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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Friday, April 27, 2012
Prof exam: 21/30! Pretty alright for FOUR hours of study for the whole semester, I can't complain. WHY AM I TURNING OUT LIKE THAT?!! I have no clue, but this semester, I haven't really been bothered with scoring, I'm really just contented if I pass. My parents are soooo gonna kill me if they find out about this.

I talked to Alona for almost 2 hours today. It was really good being able to talk to her about all these, and I was feeling awful because I've had no mail from Junior since Monday and he said that he'd write soon, so I was kinda expecting something, but nooooo, nothing at all :( so talking to her really helped calmed me down and made me feel better. Hopefully I get something from him on Monday *fingers crossed*

Monday, April 23, 2012
Organ Failure exam was blah- I got like 20/30, not too good, but heck. I'm lucky I passed, honestly. But this post isn't gonna be a moody one, cause 2 happy things happened today! Happy Thing #1: I got a letter from Junior!!!:D:D:D Happy Thing #2: Alona and I called each other!!!:D:D:D Hahahaha. It was awesome being able to talk to her, now I can't wait till Junior gets out and I talk to him! I'm nervous as hell about that though- what if he doesn't like my voice or accent, or he finds me weird in real life? Eeeks. But I'm not gonna dwell on that! I had a VERY GOOD Skype call with Alona; we talked loads about everything that's been happening, about Jared, about Junior. It's crazy, the situation we're in, so it really helps to be able to talk about it with someone else caught in the same situation as well. We talked for over an hour long, I haven't called anyone for that long since I was 15, maybe. I can't wait till our next call haha :) OH, and I got a letter from Charles too! He sent it off on 12th April, and it only got to me today. That's awfully long for a letter to take to arrive to me:/ Alona says it's the same case for her, it's probably something to do with the mail room in his prison. He's an absolute charmer, super silly haha; I'm gonna write him back and send him more photos!

Ahhhhhh I never thought my Monday would be so eventful! :)

Sunday, April 22, 2012
"I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances."

Friday, April 20, 2012
Got a letter from Sean today; I wasn't expecting him to write back at all. It's been a month since I got his last letter, but it's apparently cause he was short on funds. His letter was SO WEIRD, I have NO IDEA what to make of it, and how to reply it.

I was missing Babyboy VERY BADLY last night, and I still do now :( sucks.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Awwww <3

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
I wrote cards out to Gordon and Robert, apologizing for not being able to write back now cause of my exams. I'll mail them out tomorrow. What did I get in the mail today? A book titled "The Heart of the Revolution" by Noah Levine, that I bought a couple of weeks back. I can't wait to read it; damn you Exams, hurry finish please!!!

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Monday, April 16, 2012
I had a VERY GOOD Mail Monday! :) I received:

- Staind LoveNote for Junior
- Alona's stationery package finally arrived!!! Mad girl gave me loads of pretty cards wheeee! ^.^
- A letter from Gordon
- A letter from Robert
- Mummy's TWO packages from Singapore arrived! She sent me ALOT of snacks, like my favorite Popo Muruku and Japanese Rice Crackers.

Hahaha, so yay! Happy day today :)


Friday, April 13, 2012
I got my book this morning! The one that I ordered 2 weeks ago, called "Texas Tough: The Rise of America's Prison Empire", by Robert Perkinson. I wanna read it sooooo bad :( stupid exams, urrghhhhhh.

I only did 4 lecture notes today :(


Thursday, April 12, 2012
OMGGGGGGG I'm over the moon now!!! :D:D:D I got Junior's 'lost' letter!!! I opened the door at 9.30am and looked down, and I saw something stuck in the mail slot. And I was keeping my fingers crossed that maybe, just maybe, it will be his letter, and it was! YAYYYYYY I'm really so relieved right now :) Better late than never :) So 3 letters and a card from Junior, all in one week, I'm so happy right now :) I also got a letter from Jonathan (he was in a bad mood when he wrote that letter hahaha, I can tell cause it's so obvious) and one from my lovely SG Ah Soh Pen Pal Dilys! :) She made me a tiny inflatable rabbit, and I made one back for her, but my rabbit's HUGE cause I used a 12" by 12" paper :)

I spent the whole night replying mail. I wrote back to Dilys and Jonathan, I got a condolence card for Lynn (Junior's friend who lost his dad recently D:) and also a card out for Junior. I'm gonna take the weekend to write a nice, long letter back to him.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012
2 lovely letters today from 2 new guys today, thanking me for sympathy cards I sent them a few weeks back. It's really nice to receive such letters :)


Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Post (super long) Easter weekend mail count Day One: 2 letters from Junior!!! And one from John, thanking me for a birthday card I sent him end March.

And I think a mail from Junior got lost :((( In the earlier of the 2 letters I received today, he wrote that "you'd probably received my other letter by now", but I NO RECEIVE ANY LETTER :((( I've asked around, and it seems like USPS has been slow the past week, possibly due to Easter; but slow never mind, why you go and lose my mail!!!! >:/ Alona's lost a package too, which sucks. Urgghhh.


Sunday, April 08, 2012

The guys surprised us by coming over, Chris had just returned from London, and he brought over loads of food! There was a pandan chiffon cake, Pierre Herme macarons, Paul macarons, egg tarts, chicken pies, char siew pastry, Wife Biscuits, and Polo bun. AND he bought a bar of Marmite chocolate! We didn't like it at all, not even Geraldine, who loves Marmite like mad. Only Kok Cher liked it, lol! We ate and ate and HTHTed till almost 1AM. It was good I guess, we haven't gotten together like this in a looooong time and Lord knows how much our friendship needed it.

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Saturday, April 07, 2012
I had a busy, busy, busy day today! It was productive for all the fun reasons. I went out of the house at 11am, walked to the Weekend Market and bought brunch there. Falafels and a chocolate chip bagel smothered in cream cheese- YUMS! Then I walked over to Argos to pick up the pink colored Phillips MP3 player that I reserved a few days ago. I met up with Geraldine and we went all over town finding stuffs to buy for S for his "April Love Package". Ended up at Art & Hobby where I bought an Oriental Stationery Pack!!!! Even after I've forbidden myself from acquiring more stationery!!! But I couldn't help myself, the design was gorgeous AND it was 19.99 euros for 50 pounds worth of stationery (hold your scam advert pricing talk right there!).


We came home around 3 plus, and I helped Geraldine bake heart-shaped butter cookies and chocolate chocolate chip cookies for S. The 3 of us went out to Kashmir for dinner, we wanted to bring Sarah out and treat her for dinner because she was very upset; M was supposed to come visit her today but he couldn't make it in the end because his mom forbade him to go.

After dinner, we walked home, and spent the entire night folding Easter baskets and decorating it. Chillaxing day, lol.

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Friday, April 06, 2012
My life on a prayer and a wish.

Thursday, April 05, 2012
Junior sent me a card. I went out at 9.30am and saw it stuffed in the mail slot. I was bewildered at first- a CARD??! What for, Easter??! And where the hell is his letter??! I ran down the stairs, yanked it out of the mail slot, ran up the stairs, into the house, just in time to see Geraldine pop her head down from her attic bedroom and squeal, "Is it a letter from him!!!" I ripped the damn envelope open, despite the fact that the flap was sealed shut with a piece of tape and I could easily have peeled that off and not destroy it, but I was too impatient.

It was a "Thinking of You" card; long story short, he said his letter would be arriving soon. And because it's Easter weekend, there's no mail on Friday and Monday, so the earliest his letter will arrive will be on Tuesday urrghhh. But at least he bothered to send the card, I'm glad he did that, if not I'd have had a sucky weekend filled with paranoia and worry about why he hasn't written back!

I've said this before and I'll say it again: the waiting sucks:(

Anyway, S sent Geraldine an Easter egg from Butler's! It's got many little chocolate eggs inside, so Geraldine gave Sarah and I two little eggs each.

Yummy chocolate eggs wheeee!:)

Alona said she's sent me the stationery stuffs already, so I can't wait to receive it!:) They're really beautiful. I can't wait to go to Italy to buy more stationery there. And she also sent me pics of new stationery that she bought from Cali, they're effing gorgeous seriously, I can't wait till the next swap.

I'm hooked on Tucker Max, thanks to Junior >:/ Tucker Max's writing is BRILLIANT. It's superficial, satirical, and spot-on- I'm not going to deny that I'm hooked. I'm reading his book "Sloppy Seconds: The Tucker Max Leftovers" because it's free for download on Cloud Reader haha. He's a total asshole, but intelligence is my kind of sexy and Tucker Max has this in heaps and he exploits it as much as his propensity for asshole-ry (lol, is there even such a word), so I'm hooked on now! Wish I could get my hands on some of his other books though, lol.

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Wednesday, April 04, 2012
I went off in the morning to post off letters to Dennis, Robert and Charles. I hope my letter reaches Dennis before he gets released. No letter from Junior:((( The waiting's a bitch, seriously, I can't wait till he gets out, then I don't have to endure this agony. Please let there be a letter from him tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 03, 2012
I had a busy morning today-  I went to the post office to mail off 3 letters: one for my mother (together with an Easter card for the family), another Easter card to Chris, and a birthday card to Geraldine in Sydney. And then I went to town to print photos for Jared and Charles, buy hair conditioner and green tea, before heading to school to print funny pictures out for Junior. His letter is coming soon, hopefully tomorrow, so I've been spending the past few days preparing for it.

Dennis' letter came today- his last one before he is released on April 10th. He's like the shortest penpal I've ever had haha. A new one called Robert also came, but Robert's kinda OLD, so I dunno if we'll be able to click.

Monday, April 02, 2012
Monday mail love!:) My mommy sent me a package from Singapore again, filled with cookies, 2 sticker sheets (she knows about my stickers obsession), a shirt she bought at JPO for me, and one of her infamous handwritten letters. I say "infamous" because my mother has one of the most ATROCIOUS handwriting I've ever seen in my life, it's honestly unreadable. It's a running family joke to make fun of it, and no matter how much we try to get her to change, her handwriting is still as illegible as ever. 

I got the Touchnote I made for Junior last week. It's the 2nd one I've made for him. Originally Touchnote and Samsung Galaxy only allows ONE per household, but for some reason, last week they sent me an email saying that I could send another one for free, so I did it again and I put a Staind picture on it. And this morning, when I went out for my run, I saw it stuffed in the mail slot!!!:D Haha, when Junior's next letter arrives, I'll put both Touchnotes in and give it to him. I hope he'll like them though! His friend Lynn gave him 2 Staind concert pictures and he gave one to me, talking about sharing the Staind love:) Junior's such a sweetheart, isn't he<3 So it's my turn now to give him some Staind love back.

I skyped my mother and brother the entire afternoon, and wrote out a reply to my mommy, along with sending the family an Easter card. I finally used the pretty letter set I bought in Manch! I bought 2 sets and now I'm finally using them lolol! I massively spammed my mother's letter with stickers haha. Because I write to prisoners, and some of the prisons are VERY strict about stickers, so I don't dare put any in in case my letters get rejected. But this lovely lady named Jennifer (she's the Program Supervisor of the Mail System Coordinators Panel of TDCJ) recently replied me and said that I could put flat stickers on the letters (so long as it's not the spam kind) so I suppose I'll put some stickers in my next letters to Junior and Jonathan!

I haven't really studied the past few days (average one lecture note per day lol) but never mind, I'll start back up... soon. Haha, hey I'm on Easter break, gimme some time to do my own stuffs please! I'm expecting more letters soon haha. This week isn't really good mail-wise because the postal service is closed on Friday (Good Friday) and Monday (Easter Moday).

Anyway, saw this on yahoo questions today!


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