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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Sunday, March 03, 2013
Happy Sunday morning!  One more day and Ginger's back, yayyyyy :)

I've had a somewhat productive weekend. I bought TWO beautiful vintage dresses on Friday from this shop in town called The White Rabbit, and I love them sooooo much. They were pricey, one dress was 25 euros and the other was 40, but they were so beautiful and of great quality, so it was pretty worth it. I only had 60 euros on me, and the shop didn't accept cards, so the lady was generous enough to give me that 5 euro discount. Haha, cheap thrill lol. I did groceries yesterday afternoon. And I finally went and exchanged my black heels from a Size 6 to 5. That little 'errand' has been nagging at me for quite a while, but I never got the chance to go and do it, so now that I finally did it feels pretty good lol. I did like, 2 loads of laundry yesterday, and spent the night ironing clothes and cleaning up Ginger's room. I don't know what's gotten into me, but recently I've morphed into a cleaning freak. It's bordering an obsession. I clean all the time. I can't stand the sight of dirt and mess, and when I see them I get this itch to just clean that damn thing up. I find cleaning therapeutic, it makes me feel good to see the place spick and span and know that I did it, so I guess that's why I'm 'addicted' to cleaning- I love that new clean high. I'm so strange, I scare myself, honestly.

So what do we have for today? Hmm, I've got a load of Ginger's clothes in the washing machine right now, and when they're done I'm going to iron them. I need to clean and tidy up my room. Oddie got bitten by the cleaning bug yesterday and he vacuumed the house, mopped it, and then cleaned the kitchen, so I don't have to clean the kitchen this week. He very rarely cleans the house, mind you, so when he does everybody just shuts up and lets him do it, because God knows how long it will be before he lifts up a finger and helps around the house again. I haven't studied all weekend, so I think I'll study a bit as well. I need to, lol, I haven't been studying at all. And if it wasn't for that GI test, I wouldn't have studied GI too.

Alright, it's 8.41am now, and I've got tons to do today! I've already put in a load of laundry, taken my breakfast, Skyped my mom, and now I'm going off to play Runescape for awhile (sudden itch to play, dunno why lol), then do the rest of my chores. Byyyeeeeeeee!