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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Monday, February 27, 2012


Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Happy Pancake Tuesday everyone!:) I went over to Chris and Terrence's place to 'celebrate'. Everyone except Geraldine went, even Aslam was there. Chris made us carbonara (from scratch), and while he did that I started on the pancake batter, and let it rest while we ate dinner, before frying it up for dessert. I was hoping for fluffy American pancakes (because that was what the recipe promised), but because their house didn't have measuring cups and all, I ended up guessing most of the quantity of each ingredient. And so, I ended up with crepes -.- It tasted good though, just that it didn't come out like what I'd expected it too. But obviously it was mine and not the recipe's fault. And I was frying pancakes in the kitchen and when I finally brought out the last pancake, I discovered that the previous 6 pancakes were gone already!!! Haha. So, no pictures:/ I ate about a quarter of the last one, slathered thickly with Nutella, which Chris had warmed to a molten consistency. Aslam brought a blackberry & apple pie over, and I had loads of that with Nutella. I cut myself a slice of pie, opened it up like a sandwich, slathered Nutella over the pie filling, closed it up, and ate all that yummy, sinful goodness. I honestly love love love Nutella. I'm gonna have to learn how to make my own someday. Nutella's not healthy at all, sugar's like their first ingredient. But it tastes so goddamnit awesome, I can't give it up haha.

OH, and my parcel from home came yesterday <3 I missed the postman, so I had to go to Tuam Road to collect it. The ride (back and forth) cost me 23 euros!!! Madness! My family sent me a super sweet Valentine's Day card, a pencil case with hearts all over it, a piggy file, and a photo frame with our family in it. Haha LOVE:)))

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Curry noodles for dinner one night:) Lol random hahaha.

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Saturday, February 18, 2012
I went to Salthill with the gang to eat at Mocha Beans cafe, which recently brought in pieminister from UK.

Geraldine ate her first pieminister pie in London, and she fell in love with it. She kept gushing over how good it was, and she liked it cause the filling was "soupy".

Geraldine's first pieminister pie

Haha, I koped the above picture from her facebook. Anyway, it looked really good and when Christopher told us that Mocha Beans recently brought in pieminister into their menu, we made plans to go there to try it out.

 Pretty Geraldine:)

Lol, me eating

pieminister's chicken pie
Inside the chicken pie

Mo's Veggie Salad

As you can obviously see, the filling was not soupy at all:/ So we didn't really get to eat the pie that Geraldine fell in love with. Even though the pie was really nice, I don't think I'll ever go back there to eat. They took forever to serve us our food, and there was mud in James' salad leaves! When he went to tell them, the guy simply nodded his head and walked away. Like wth. Mo originally ordered pasta salad but then they suddenly came out and told him that they had ran out of pasta, and offered him veggie salad instead, and the salad took forever to come. It was the last dish to arrive, even though Mo was the first one who ordered. Like hello, how long do you need to throw a couple of veggies together in a plate??? Tsk. Luckily they gave him a complimentary latte to make up for it. 

My chocolate fudge ice cream:)

I'll go back to eat ice-cream only, not for a meal.

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Friday, February 17, 2012
I got the sweetest text:

Haha! I was so happy when I got this! The cake in question? This chocolate cake:

I'd made the cake for a friend's birthday! And the text was from her housemate haha. It's a super rich chocolate cake, and the frosting is very "truffle-y" in nature, as my friend kept gushing that night. It's a new technique I'm trying out- I hate chocolate frosting that's more butter than chocolate, and I've found this frosting that's more chocolate and the richness comes from double cream rather than butter. So the end result is a super chocolatey, "truffle-y" chocolate cake! Guess what, there's around 600g of chocolate in this whole cake alone:) I would be mad shocked if the cake didn't taste chocolatey haha.

I've got yet another long weekend, I've got today (Friday) off. Tomorrow I'm going to eat pies in Salthill with the gang! Still undecided if I should jog there (i.e. burn off some calories before indulging in pie-eating). I haven't exercised the whole week (save for Pilates lesson on Wed) because I came my period haha. I'll start again next week!

Junior and Jonathan's letters came on Monday, and I spent the whole night writing them back. Or rather, writing Junior's letter. I think I spent only about 2 hours on Jonathan's letter, but like about 9 on Junior's??? I slept only at 6am that night:X Had to wake up early somemore cause school on Tuesday was at 9am. I detoured to the cafe in the hospital on my way to school to grab a cup of mocha haha, or else I wouldn't be able to stay awake for the whole day. AND school that day was a full day from 9am- 5pm. I rushed off halfway through school cause bac practical ended early to post my letters off, I wanted to send them off ASAP. So yeah, I was like a walking zombie on V-Day because I'd only slept for 2 hours the night before. I went to school in specs and no make-up lol.

My mom's parcel still hasn't arrived:( She posted it off last Thursday, and yet till today it hasn't arrived yet. I'm eager to see what stuffs she had put inside- she refuses to tell me! She mailed it via registered mail though, and I hope I'll be around to get it because if not, I'll have to go to some post office in Tuam or something just to collect it.

Anyway, I got Dilyso's letter today! It came in the morning but because I didn't go out of the house, I didn't get it till Geraldine came back in the evening and passed it to me. Haha, she wrote it on one of the letter sets she bought when we went shopping in Daiso together earlier this year while I was back in Singapore.

I love the stickers omggg. Here in Ireland you cannot find such cute stuffs anywhere, and in the event that you do, they'll confirm burn a hole in your pocket one.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
My mind's in a mess right now. There's alot of things that I keep thinking about and I can't focus on my studies, which is really bad. But I can't stop thinking about those things. I wonder if I'm doing the right thing, if my leap of faith will be worth it. I don't think anyone can truly understand what I'm going through because of the unique circumstances under which all these occurred.

This is bad, very bad. And yet it's been one of the best things that have happened to me in my life.


Monday, February 13, 2012


Friday, February 10, 2012
I got back all of my results officially. The school is SUPER slow in releasing results lol! Anyway, my grades are as follows:

Central Nervous System: A
Endocrinology: A
Genetics: A
Molecular Medicine: C (*#^!*!^&~@^#!)
Reproduction and Development: A

Please look at my MM marks. I'm sadded to the max. But I can't bitch about it- I didn't like the subject at all and only studied for it twice: once about a week before the exam, and once more the night before the exam. So in all reality I asked for that mark, and I deserved it.

I haven't really studied since school started- for some reason I keep getting distracted by loads of things always. Like how last night, I was on WAP's forums the entire night. And today, I wanted to study but I ended up spending the whole morning changing blogskins. Changing blogskins also mean that I've been tinkering around my dashboard and template and all, and reading through my past blog entries, I realised that I used to be able to write pretty good! Like some of the stuffs I wrote, I don't think I'll be able to write them now. I was quite articulate back then hehe, but sadly my writing skills have deteriorated. That's why I'm trying to pick blogging back up in the hopes that I can get back my writing abilities lol. The quality of my recent entries have fallen far short of what I used to be able to produce.

Anyways, I'm quite excited for next week though- it's letters week!:))) my mother told me today on Skype that she had sent me something via registered mail! And since mail from Singapore normally takes a week to reach, I'm guessing I should receive it middle of next week?? And I mailed Dilyso something last week and a few days ago she FB PMed me to ask me to "expect (her) reply"! OH OH and also, if Junior's on task, I should get a letter from him soooon:)And from Jonathan as well!

Respi failure notes are beckoning me now, and my guilt-ridden heart (from having hardly studied for many weeks now) has decided it's finally time to answer.

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Thursday, February 09, 2012
I went to Belfast over the weekend for our class trip. I was supposed to go with Sarah and the guys, but end up Sarah pulled out last minute and I was left with the guys. I was initially apprehensive about the whole thing, but in the end, I had a pretty good time and I got to know a lot of my Irish classmates a lot better. They are NUTS though- when they drink they go insane lol. And I think I averaged only like 4 hours max per night of sleep the whole time I was there. I honestly have no idea how I survived during the day.

We reached Belfast on Thursday night. I was wondering if I should sleep with the girls or sleep with Chris and the rest but I needn't have worried- the hostel dumped us all in this HUGE room with loads of beds. There was a smaller room inside that huge room with probably around 7 beds, and we Asians chionged for that haha. Which was good because the rest of them (sleeping outside) thrashed the entire place, drinking and blasting music (someone brought a huge speaker box).

We woke up late the next day, and had brunch on Friday morning at The Belfast Coffee Company.

That's my yummy Ham, Cheese & Mushroom toasted sandwich! I had a mocha as well, but it wasn't as good as the one I had later in the day at a cafe called Sinnamon.

We walked about town, went to City Hall, then walked around somemore haha. We stopped by this chocolate shop by chance and bought some really good choc treats there.

My chocolate haul from the shop!

Pumpkin seeds, almonds and cranberries, all covered with milk chocolate. Yums!

Lunch at tao. These were the complimentary prawn crackers.

My rubbish Pad Thai. I should have known from the moment I saw the non-PT noodles.

Char siew in Pad Thai. WIN. 

I didn't really enjoyed lunch, because I chose a wrong dish. I didn't finish half of the noodles, and that IS a sign that I don't like your food because I usually eat everything on my plate as I hate food wastage. But I couldn't stomach any more of the noodles down- I hated it that much.

We went back to the hostel to get some stuffs then we went off for the famous Black Taxi tour... in a purple taxi lol. Our guide was a guy named Alan- lovely chap, and very chatty. He told us a lot about The Troubles, but sometimes it was hard to follow his accent. But it was pretty interesting, and I think we paid about 8 pounds each for the one and a half hours tour.  

Terrence and Kok Cher's pre-dinner snack of pancakes with bacon and maple syrup at Sinnamon

2nd mocha of the day! So much yummier than the one I had in the morning

My burrito from Boojum <3

Inside my burrito
I'm a happy girl cos I got a burrito! 

Mexican food is also Junior's fave food, so during dinner, I kept thinking of him. We went home after dinner, and the class was getting ready to go out, so me, Terrence and Kok Cher decided to go along. Chris didn't but he badly needed sleep- he had ambulance duty on Wed night so he hadn't really slept for 2 nights straight. We were at a pub/club called Lafferty. I think I drank like half a pint of rum and coke, so I was pretty drained by the time we got back to the hostel at around 2 plus AM.But I didn't sleep till around 4AM cause our classmates didn't stop blasting the music till then!

We woke up early the next morning to catch the Giant's Causeway tour bus at 9AM. I woke up at like 7.45AM cause I had to bathe and wash my hair. The tour was pretty alright; Giant's Causeway was beautiful. The weather was rubbish in the morning, but luckily when we reached Giant's Causeway the weather turned lovely and sunny.

Where we had our lunch
Fish, mashed potatoes and mushy peas

Kok Cher checking out the whiskies

At Giant's Causeway, we climbed the rocks till the top!

My travelling companions!

That night, we had dinner at Stann & Olly's, an American diner. Alan decided to come along with us for dinner.

Dinner that night at Stann & Olly's!

We went out clubbing that night at a club called Rain. It was pretty good. Got back only around 4 plus AM. I was so so tired, I didn't even bother to take off my make-up and I went to bed (praying my face will forgive me for this heinous act). We woke up at 9 plus the next day, packed up and left the hostel for breakfast (we weren't gonna hang around to clean up the mess that our classmates had made in the room hahaha). Somehow we managed to get back our 10 pounds deposit in the end though hahaha.

Breakfast on the last day before heading back to Galway
Because it was a Sunday, no place was opened at 10AM except for this cafe lolol. We left Belfast at around 11 plus, and reached Galway only around 5 in the evening.

So that sums up my eventful weekend!:) I crashed that night though, slept for like 10 hours straight.

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