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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Monday, May 30, 2011
So I'm back home for the summer!:) Just arrived 2 days ago- the flight back wasn't as bad as I expected. The airplane food was kind of blah thoug- I seem to recall better quality fare on my flight to Galway last year.

Cruising down the streets of Singapore, walking around my house, looking at my stuffs- I keep getting this strange feeling of familiarity, like I never left this place at all, as though I've just seen all these yesterday. Yet I know it's been 9 months since I've seen these stuffs. It feels as though my sense of time had become warped. It's such an odd feeling, mind you.

The morning after I touched down, my brother brought me to NEX (some new mega shopping centre near my house) to watch the newest Pirates of the Caribbean. I've never watched a single POTC before, never understanding the hype surrounding it, but that day I fell in love with the franchise. The movie was good (in my terms) and now I wanna watch all the POTC movies!

My sister's taking her Chinese O-levels tomorrow, I pray God grants her favour to do well. She's been super hardworking this whole year and achieving grades she always thought was impossible for her to achieve (A2 in Add maths from someone who got C for PSLE maths and an average of C5 for maths her whole sec sch life!!!) I'm mighty proud of her, and whatever grades she gets in the end, I know she had done her best and that's all that matters. Hope God will bless her!

I'm going to Malaysia this whole week, wheeeee:) miss everybody back there and of course, the food:) though I will have to be mindful of what I eat, I've gained so much weight since the start of this year that I wanna die:( have to use this summer to lose some (or hopefully ALL) of the excess weight bleh!

Still jet-lagged after 2 days, haiz.

Thursday, May 12, 2011
ONE LAST PAPER TOMORROW!:))) Happiness! Then it's my Portugal/Spain summer holiday and then HOOMMMEEEE!

I'm so bored of studying that I decided to blog, but I didn't know what to write, so I decided I shall write about something very trivial!

I was out about town last Saturday and decided to pop by Boot's and I found these from Rimmel:

They were quite cheap (relatively, for a brand like Rimmel) so I decided to buy them on a whim. I painted my nails on Sunday while waiting for my laundry to finish. AND THESE ARE HOW MY NAILS LOOK LIKE TODAY, AFTER 5 DAYS:

Ignore my ugly feet and toes please and just look at the colour of the nails!

The colour was still so bright and vivid and NO CHIPPING!!! This, even after I spent Tuesday walking about town for like 2 hours, and Wednesday walking to suss out a new house (total journey time for that: approx 45 minutes). I was wearing ballet flats on both occasions too, NO SOCKS. On second look the photo doesn't really do the nail polish and top coat justice, because the colour is really chio in real life! And the chipping durability is awesome, what you think is chipping in the picture is really just my lousy nail-painting skills.

I'm super impressed by the durability of the nail polish! Or maybe it's the top coat that is good. But either way, I am still loving how gorgeous my toenails are! All my life, I've been making do with those cheap HK or China made nail polishes that you can get from the pasar malam or HDB beauty shops for around 1 sing dollar per bottle, and those chip instantly like the next day, and the colour also isn't so gem-like and vivid. You really get what you pay for in terms of nail polish quality!

I'm converted. No more cheap and lousy nail polishes for me anymore!!!

P.S. This is not an advertorial. Though I wish it is, then can get sponsored more Rimmel nail polishes haha (:

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Another drawing for Chris! It's Jessica Rabbit again! I think I only draw her cause she's the easiest babe to draw. This is uncomplete though- I haven't added in her cleavage yet, and Geraldine coloured her hair afterwards, so the final drawing looks much better than this! FYI, Chris is also a huge tennis fan, hence the racket in her left hand. It was supposed to be a whip. Will take a pic of it on Sunday night (when we have his surprise party!) if I can!

I chiong-ed the entire Sweet Valley Confidential book this afternoon, and was sorely disappointed!:( There were loads of discrepancies in this book, e.g. Lila Fowler's father is GEORGE, not RICHARD; at the start of the book they said that Jeffrey French was married (Jessica was talking to his WIFE) and then in the end he is apparently "still unmarried and unattached" lololol. And Enid Rollins is apparently a gynae now, at the age of 27. HELLO?!! No ordinary doctor has ever become a full-fledged consultant and owns a private practice by the mere age of TWENTY SEVEN!!! Not least an American who has to go through GRAD SCHOOL. You have to complete your residency first, then internship, then SHO, registrar- I rest my case.  Also, Francine Pascal, for gawdknowswhatreasons, gave complete makeovers to some of the characters' personalities (Elizabeth and casual sex?!! Class clown Winston Egbert turns into a complete asshole and dies??! Jessica falling for Todd?!!) And Lila Fowler hardly makes an appearance in this book- no role whatsoever, this is blasphemy, I'm telling you!

Francine Pascal needs to re-write this whole book, or better yet, get one of the ghostwriters on her team to do the job. While I appreciate that FP has finally decided to personally dole out a book, I'm incredibly disappointed by her- and for that matter, her whole team's- lack of effort to take note of the details of SV to ensure continuity in the book. Screwing up something as simple as Mr Fowler's name is NOT acceptable in any way. Jeffrey French from married man to unmarried man within the course of the book WITHOUT any explanation whatsoever- wtf was the editorial team doing seriously??! 

But since I cannot do anything about this now anyway- the book's published, the storyline's set- I'll write my own story about what happens ten years later, when everybody's 37 years old!!! Will do that in another post, have to go study now @#(*@^)!*