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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I'm really going to miss Malaysia when I go to Galway. And by that I mean I'll miss my family there, and the food. I'll miss that kampung feeling Malaysia always gives me.

I"m a Melakan girl, I'm sure my friends would know that. And I'm lucky in that sense, because Melaka is so rich in culture and is such a foodies' haven. AND it's just a 3 hours drive from Singapore. Melaka is not so cosmopolitanised (is there such a word?!) like KL but has a nice balance between the old and the new. And there's no monsoon season too!:D

Friday, August 06, 2010
Despicable Me was soooooooo good; I love the show so much. It's not even from the traditional animations powerhouses Pixar or Disney- it's from Universal Studios, and yet the graphics and all (I can't get too detailed- I don't know how haha) was good and even though I watched it in 2D, I still enjoyed it very much. Jaclyn was generous enough to loan us her Movie Money, so in the end,our 3 tickets cost like $6.50 woohoo~ And Joy brought gummy worms, Hello Panda and Sweet Peanuts so we saved on popcorn too haha.

BUT, like Dr Sheldon Cooper, I am a "Go to the movies without popcorn?! Listen to yourself..." kinda person- I love sweet popcorn. The unhealthy kind popped in saturated fat and coated generously with sweet, diabetes-inducing caramel.

Yeah, that's my favourite kind of popcorn.

I don't mind the air-popped kind- it's tastes light and doesn't leave your tummy feeling dense afterwards, unlike the sweet popcorn. But cinemas don't sell them, do they? And I HATE salty popcorn; I don't like salty things in general.



I went to NUS Co-Op today to meet Shima, who had kindly agreed to lend me her NUS student discount card to purchase my med books. And even after the discount ($30!), the books still amounted to $270. Ohmytian. Med school is draining my family's finances dry. I'm gonna work hard to earn back the money, I swear. I shall slough at a public hospital till I'm about 30, then I shall open my own practice. That's the plan now- maybe I'll want to specialise or something, then it's HOSPITALS ALL THE WAY TILL I'M 40 then private practice. I die die also want to go private- must have the best of both worlds.

I had a lovely European holiday- went to Newcastle, London, Paris and Edinburgh. Two weeks of glorious holidaying- the only thing that brought me back was my family. I lovelovelove travelling and I think one of my life's goals is to travel as much as I possibly can on whatever budget and spare time that the Lord will grant me with. I hope to visit all the countries in the world!:D Someone please give me money to travel.

I came back to dump my books at home before dashing out to meet Joy and Jaclyn at 5pm at Bishan- we went to Dhoby Ghaut because Joy wanted to go to Daiso. Had Thai Express- I had the curried soft-shell crab thingie, which was yummy!:D Actually, to be honest here, I heart soft-shell crab, so I'm probably not being very objective here.

I REALLY LOVE SOFT-SHELL CRAB OKAY, despite its origins being so cruel and all (like the crabs are captured and cooked when they are at their most vulnerable) but it tastes so damn GOOD and CRUNCHY and the deep-fried batter is omgdelicious- I'm craving one as I write this right now.

Tell me those crabs didn't look good. I WANT ONE NOW.

It's like 12.32am in the morning, which means my soft-shell crab craving will have to go unsatisfied as of now. But considering that I just ate it for dinner, it should only be appropriate that I consume this artery-clogging, it-will-all-go-straight-to-the-thighs-kinda fatty food again only after one month. Oh dear Lord, the pitiful life of a woman. Why are all the delicious foods so bad for us?! Unfair world.

Okay, I seriously have to sleep now, I've a 10.40am movie date with Joy and Jaclyn tomorrow at Bishan. We are gonna watch Despicable Me! Yes, that movie with the iconic "IT'S SO FLUFFLY I'M GONNA DIE!!!" line.
