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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Haha this is old news actually; I bought it about 3 weeks ago, but still~ I know I know, I have the second album already which I bought in Korea, and it's the original album somemore, not the China-made or Taiwan-made ones that we have here (FYI, the 2 dollars album was Taiwan-made) so it's in Korean, but still! No aunty laments please; this is a damn good buy!


My brother bought me Super Junior-M's first mini album for my Christmas present!:) haha he said it took him forever to find it. I'm starting to think Hangeng's kinda hot too.

But what's wrong with Koreans!:((( Yesterday, I read in The Straits Times that Koreans are sending their young children for therapy and acupuncture sessions and making them eat weird medicines in a bid to make them grow TALLER. Apparently, Korean society has been heavily influenced in recent years by Westernized ideals and nowadays, Koreans believe that a tall person is considered good-looking and more likely to succeed.


What's wrong with these people! I mean, I can understand their pride at being a homogenous society and their resulting difficulty to accept foreigners unlike themselves (save for westerners, as usual), but this! This is incredibly superficial:( so sad. Granted though, this is a new phenomenon, and perhaps it won't last, but still:(

Haiz, my January's packed with stuffs. I've got to learn driving, and do job attachments, and hopefully, go on my graduation trip. And, I've been looking for overseas volunteer opportunities, but none so far. Anyone knows!

Oh, and I just came back from Yunnan about a week ago! It was an incredibly fun trip, I must say. I wasn't expecting too much, but the trip actually turned out pretty fun, and I got to see 4 different minority groups in China. Yunnan has 52 out of 56 minority groups living in it! How cool is that:D The only regret that I have of the trip was that I didn't socialise with the teenagers there, until like the last day, and they turned out to be quite nice. People shy mah:(

Friday, December 11, 2009
I'm wasting my life away at the moment. Doing frivolous things, not planning for my future... And I actually LIKE the feeling. Boo:( what's wrong with me!

I've done some idol-chasing the past few days= SUPER JUNIOR!:))) I'm mad about them, no thanks to Joy and Kaylyn. And haha, we all like different guys in the group, so no fighting!:) It's like a probability thingy which worked out well for us. I've watched the Sorry Sorry MV countless times now! But omg, I thought the lyrics were waaayyy weird. And do they know that Shawty means nice assed woman! Why are they singing that in the song! Haha amused. Leeteuk looks older now. Boo. Maybe it's his shorter haircut. I don't know, but he looks positively AGED.

However mad I am over Super Junior, I cannot be classified as a fangirl though, because my loyalty lies with Super Junior ONLY and no other bands. It's like I know of friends who are mad over everything Korean, and fervently follow news of alot of Korean entertainers and amass every item Korean in origin. The only thing I will spend money on that is Korean in origin is its FOOD. Especially the Shin ramen! The Korean version is spicier than the China version, and waaayyy tastier, with springier noodles to boot. But unless the Koreans work out a solution to their problem of racism borne out of their countrymen's pride of being a homogeneous society (to be fair, they are not the only country facing such a problem (aka japan), and with a shortage of Korean women in the rural areas of the country, nowadays many Korean men are marrying wives of non-Korean origin, resulting in the country being forced to find ways to solve such racism problems), I won't even consider marrying a Korean!

And even then, SuJu will be disappointed to know that till date, I only have 29500 won worth of their stuffs (19000 won for their second album, 2500 won for a small pack of card calendar , and 8000 won for a desk calendar with their photos), so I guess I'm not much of a worthy fan after all:/

Tuesday, December 08, 2009
It's time to revive my blog!

I went clubbing for the first time in my life:) And I got in free because I wasn't aware that you had to pay an entrance fee, so I was like coolly walking in and nobody cared! Haha, it was quite a different experience, what with all the sticky, sweaty and some smelly bodies all mashed up against each other on the dance floor. I couldn't hear properly after I got out of the club. And really, I think wasted people look incredibly uncool and unglam. There were many people puking at the grass, while others were chattering rubbish and swearing shit with their friends, and I'm sorry to say, I was quite disgusted by the sight of them. I mean, come on, have some self- control, even if you want to have a good time.

Anyway, Christmas is here!:) I'm looking forward to a good Christmas this year, after all the shit of the past year that I've been through.