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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008
PW is ovverrrrrrr, though I know I'm rather slow since it's been over for almost a week now. I screwed up a part of my OP, but I pray that it will not affect my grade as much as I think it will. I'm super proud of NJC088:) We've been through a lot together- we've had our fair share of disputes and tiffs, as well as more enjoyable memories- and I'm really hoping it pays off for us. But come what may, I guess I have to say that I'm really proud of my group mates!

And just when I thought my life couldn't get any busier, it does. I find myself so busy these days that I don't even have time to train. There are grad night meetings, meetings with teachers for orientation and treasurers' stuffs, KI IS to do, grad night stuffs to settle as well as its finances...

I've never been busier in my life.

In a way, it's good, and I relish this buzzing around with so many things to handle at a time- it keeps me on my toes and rids me (at least temporarily) of my laziness and tendency to procrastinate. But sometimes it can get so tiring, especially when things don't go the way you want it too, and people don't cooperate with you when you need them to do so the most. I can list at least 10 councilors whose necks I want to strangle. I get cranky easily these days, and when I do, my urge to throttle some people grows very strong.

On a brighter note, I went to watch a movie on Monday:) My second movie this year (the first was Batman) and I can't believe it was High School Musical 3! Not that it was my choice, but Madagascar 2 only comes out on the 13th November and I couldn't watch Tropic Thunder while dressed in uniform since that show is M18. Haiz. I've never been a HSM fan, maybe because I didn't even watch the first 2 instalments of the show (though I know some songs from it), and then I had to go and watch HSM3. I was told that there was negligible relation to the first 2 shows, so it didn't matter that I hadn't watch them.

The starting of the show was horrible. Singing while in the midst of an intense basketball match?!! The characters broke out spontaneously into song and dance at the most inappropriate times. The show got better towards the middle however, and the ending was good. So I suppose it's an okay show. I can definitely see its appeal to the tweens though. But what I cannot stand is that these people don't seem to need to mug intensely in order to get into prestigious universities! They even have time to rehearse everyday after school for a musical! WTH.

HSM is a feel-good show, I guess. You lose yourself in this wonderful, crazy world where people dance to show their emotions, and everybody has a hidden talent which is always recognised. Schools have absolutely darling teachers who are interesting and make a special effort to be there for you and there is a lovely flower garden that always seems to be in colourful bloom at the top of your school.

The ride to fantasy is great, but the fall back to reality was always a little hard for me.

Maybe I sound too cynical for my own good; after all, HSM is suppose to mirror life in that opportunities are abound and dreams can come true if only you believe. But sitting there after the movie ended, and watching the credits roll, I was filled with a strange sense of despair. The kind that goes, "Why isn't my life like that?! Why can't it be like that?!" and left me wanting to throw the popcorn the guy sitting in front of me had left on his seat at the screen and cry, "You LIAR!"

Life's a blessing, yet there are too many times when I feel that it's a curse. It's wrong of me to think of it this way, and since I'm perfectly healthy and capable, blessed with a great family and nurturing environment, there are still many opportunities awaiting me out there and there is no reason to be so pessimistic especially when there are so many unfortunate people out there.

But my pessimism has its roots from 7 years ago, and it's hard to break a 7 year old habit.