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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Thursday, October 23, 2008
Well, now that academics have been (temporarily) shoved to a corner, my life consists of mainly 3 things now: PW, soccer, and baking.
PW is screwing me up real bad. Our group did something that was deemed unforgivable in the eyes of our teachers, though it really was an honest mistake and we've been sloughing like shit to make up for it. But apparently, we are still "unprepared", despite the fact that we've been practising for many times:( But never mind, we can do it! I have total faith in my group mates.

Soccer training's super hiong nowadays, but I'm enjoying it. Though I skipped training today due to...er...some private reason. But I like our current "coach", mainly because he actually teaches us something useful, and not like some XXX who totally taught us shit and didn't even bother about us, leaving us to train alone.

OCS visit yesterday, which also doubled up as an informal class excursion. Haha it was quite fun, especially the laser quest thingy. It was sooo cool trying to shoot that guy down. And the army food. Yum. Those stories of army guys living in unsanitary conditions and eating measly food seemed a thing of the past. Judging by the Portugese Curry Pasta ration that I had, and the Mushroom and Chicken Pasta, I think these guys are having it good, seriously. And the food were RATIONS. Though the rice sucked. The noodles were much better than the rice and potatoes. And there I was, foolishly having visions of men eating 'magic' bread that will supposedly expand in your tummy when you drink water to make you feel full. Hah. They even have INTERNET CONNECTION. Still, I suppose what I'm seeing is merely a small part of what OCS really is like, and it's probably the funnest part. And this is OCS only.

Remember my previous post, where I talked about baking chocolate chip cookies? Well, I did them (a hell long time ago actually), and they looked disastrous (though they actually tasted pretty good). That's the third time my cookies failed on me. They freaking didn't look like cookies at all. They were all plump, pillowy and THEY SPREAD. When they weren't supposed too.
Cookie batter. Apparently, it wasn't supposed to be batter-like, but rather, like a dough.

How my cookies happily rose and spread to form cookie pillows.

So I moved on, from cookies to....MUFFINS! And I manage to bake a very successful batch of PLUM & RAISIN MUFFINS!:DDD

The gorgeous muffin batter

Rising in the oven, and browning in a lovely manner
Eating the muffin!:D

And contrary to what most of you say, PLUM AND RAISINS make a delectable muffin combo, and it tastes better than what you swakus think.
Next up, CUPCAKES! I managed to get a hold on a cupcake recipe book, and I thought I would try out some of them. My first attempt was Very Vanilla Peanut Butter And Chocolate Chip Cupcakes. Long name, yeah. The first batch was so successful, I subsequently baked another one 3 days later!

The cupcake batter, with peanut butter and chocolate chips.

Cupcake batter sitting in the wells, ready to be baked:)
Rising in the oven.

These belonged to the first batch of 12 cupcakes.
These are 6 from the second batch of 12 cupcakes. (Note the considerable increase in the amount of chips used.)

Banana Cupcakes were what I baked next, only because there were 3 lovely yellow bananas sitting on the kitchen table, uneaten.

The batter in the oven

Banana Cupcakes:D
So what's next? Apple Crisp Cupcakes and Madeleines. Madeleines are incredibly tricky to make, but I'm researching on the best methods, so hopefully, when I finally get down to doing it, it will turn out fine:) My father has promised to bring me shopping this Saturday to get some baking stuffs, mainly: a 12-wells muffin tin and a madeleine pan. Yay!:)
Saturday flea market shopping woo~ Can't wait.