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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Monday, September 29, 2008
Okay, so I haven't posted in a looooong time. My bad. And I just wanna say (cause I'm too lazy to tag) that I MISS YOU TOO MAIDEE! We must have a class outing soon!

Grrrr I swore I would work harder for promos after my disastrous CT results, but look where that got me. In deep shit AGAIN. Dang. My future lies on an edge as steady as an elephant on stilts. It's too late for regrets now I suppose, but it's just that I've never felt so screwed up in my life before. I don't recall even 'O' Levels being this difficult. Just what is it that changed? I can't seem to figure it out.

On the brighter side, now that promos are over, I can get down to doing several things that I've put off doing. Like making stawberry jam. Oh wait, but strawberries aren't in season now right? And I've been eyeing this receipe for chocolate chip cookies that is just so darn simple. Like really really simple. And I think I'm gonna get down to making it soon.

Procrastination never got anyone anywhere anyway.

Friday's trip to town for a bout of shopping, or in particular, to the site of the super-hyped-up F1-dunnowhatcomesafterthis was an outlet for the pent-up emotional stress that has accompanied me for much of Term 3 and 4. I really had fun with the Funfan-something, shopping at Bugis and camwhoring at Subway and Gate 3 of the F1 racing track. Walking the entire day turned my legs numb by the time night befell.

Reality looms ahead though- PROJECT WORK. What a screwed up subject. I'm never gonna advocate this subject- I think it's a waste of time. It has benefits, and I'm not gonna dispute that. It's just that its syllables makes it such a dry yet demanding subject. But I have great group mates, so I guess I can't complain much.

My random ramblings aren't making any sense, are they? Boo.

Thursday, September 04, 2008
Term 3 is overrrr, and goodness me, what a term it has been. So let me list down all the memorable events that has happened to me these past 10 weeks:

Event #1- Common Tests!
Two words: Totally screwed. I freaking got a DDUC. And promos are looming ahead.

Event #2- Class outing (with extremely poor attendance)
Our second official class outing turned out to be a group outing with a mere attendance of 7 people. Including me. Haha but we had fun in Sentosa, playing a very memorable game of Frisbee and then during half-time, Cheat. Yes, we never finished the full-time game. Wilson met us for dinner, and I ate my lovely suanla lamian with extra extra vinegar!

Event #3- NDC 2008/ Dark Knight/ Beijing 2008 Olympics
Banner painting sessions, show painting session, late night rehearsals... Our first ad-hoc after being invested and it was great! The theme was Working Magic, and the banner looked super nice! We had a hard time cleaning up afterwards- paper streamers and bubble soap mixture do NOT mix well and do NOT make for easy cleanup. But the uncles and aunties made it seem so easy! TDC had a uber looong meeting and during the entire time they had their meeting, me and Jaslin (who had to wait for Audrey and Geraldine respectively) ended up parking our asses in front of the orange tables' tv and singing national day songs. Over and over and over again. Until we got bored and restless and sorta kachiow the tdc meeting. Audrey and I cabbed to Cineleisure after they were (finally!) done, and ate at Suki Sushi with Grace, Melinda, Audrey Ho, Dilys and Clarice. After that, we went to watch the Batman show, which was SUPER SUPER GOOD. It's the first time I'm watching a movie in a cinema this year, and it was really nice. Now I understand the whole hype about the Joker. Heath Ledger really rocked in his performance this time round. Even his performance in Brokeback Mountain couldn't rival this. So Heath, where ever you are, rock on! Beijing 2008 Olympics Opening Ceremony at night, which was a truly spectacular show, until of course, it got tangled in the web of scandals and deceit. I'm sure everyone knows about the lip-synching incident. While I feel that it is a despicable thing that the organisers did by replacing Peiyi for Miaoke merely because she was unfortunate enough to not look as good as Miaoke, however I guess I can understand why they did that. I mean, hello! They were putting up a show for over 1 billion viewers in the world; of course they would want to portray as flawless an image as they can of China. The international media kept condemning Beijing's actions, which I felt was quite unfair to Beijing. Imagine if the organisers had gone ahead and put Peiyi on. What would the international media have said then? I'll bet they would then have gone on and on about Peiyi's looks themselves and questioning the orgainsers about their decision to put her in what can be considered this century's greatest sporting spectacle, rather than focus on that incredible voice of hers. Hyprocrites. I'm not saying I support the organisers' decision; all I'm saying is that I understand where that decision was coming from.

Event #4- Beijing 2008 Olympics
I spent most of the long National Day weekend watching the Olympics, and for the 2 weeks I got swept up in its fever. The victory ceremony dresses don by the (scarily similar looking) Chinese girls were gorgeous! If only I can get my hands on one. Pity I missed the Today In Beijing episode in which Jade Seah said the F-word. But China did a great job hosting the Olympics. But I wished they hadn't done it at the expense of those hutong people.

Event #5- Wengger's Birthday Outing!
Yay I finally went out with Kaylyn, Joy, Yijun and Jieyi! To celebrate wengger's birthday. We ate at Far East's long john's silver, but haha, our lunches all came from different shops. We went to Isetan after that Yijun and Jieyi tried on this trenchcoat-like dress! Haha Yijun in a DRESS! We managed to take some photos of them in their horrendous garb before the salesgirl stopped us. And I bought a nice Topshop blouse that had a 50% discount woo~ After that Jieyi and Yijun just left, and we were like chasing them, cause we haven't taken a group photo! Anyway we then went to Taka and camwhored and shopped around before going home.

Event #5- TDc 2008
As I'm typing this, I'm still praying that TDC didn't go over budget. TDC was fun, fun, fun! I wore my half-priced Topshop blouse that I bought at Isetan on Wengger's birthday outing with leggings for my hotseat segment. Initially Maxine was supposed to be my fellow emcee but then, IT RAINED. And everything went helter-skelter and in the end, Geraldine had to sub in. And everything was impromptu and arrgghhh I screwed up alot. But I really wanna thank Geraldine for volunteering herself because if she hadn't, I would have had to gone up alone and she being there helped calmed me abit. And even though she had to prepare herself for it only a few minutes before we went onstage, she did a great job and I really don't know how to thank her. It was memorable, to say the least, and we dashed from the hall to LT5 in all unglamness, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. And Shirley, you are a rawking emcee okay!:) Went back to St Nicks after that. Kaylyn couldn't come, and that lousy Joy was about to leave! I didn't see Cherylong, but I saw Adeline and Cheryl laogong and Evelyn! Whom I miss miss miss! And Sara, Inez, NicP, Valerie, Alicia, Olivia and Joanne! But I didn't see Maidee:( but I saw many others too. It's amazing how we have moved on after St Nicks; and it's interesting to learn who took which path.

Emcees Galore!



Adeline and Cheryl laogong:)

Group photo!

Event #6- Exco Exco JTS
Finally, after like dunnohowlong, we had our Exco Exco JTS! But Chenchel and Grace couldn't make it:( Anyway, juniors had to wear PINK (!), thanks to SOMEBODY. We ate at nydc at Holland Village, and later, Häagen-Dazs chocolate fondue for dessert, which the seniors very nicely treated us juniors too! We talked alot, and gossips!:) Yay I love Exco Exco!

Juniors (in pink!) and Seniors

My lovely Comm (minus Chenchel)

Chocolate makes us happy:)

Treasurers <3

Another Treasurers Pic