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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Sunday, July 06, 2008
Yay yay CT period is over (or was over, for more than a week already) and I've really been enjoying myself during this "buffer" period procrastinating on school work, catching up on treasurer and grad nite stuffs, and playing my beloved Runescape. Which is hullooooo NOT a retarded game okayyysss. I finally completed the Dragon Slayer quest:) which was super exciting and if it wasn't for the fact that my brother made me carry a full inventory of salmon, I would have died fighting that monstrous fiery thing. The stupid thing kept blasting me with fire can and didn't even give me a chance to fight it. Anyway, completing it made me gain alot of combat levels, so wheeee:) Currently I am very busy fishing and cooking (yes, on Runescape) and trying to save up to buy my rune(g) plate or helm. Which costs like a freaking 400++K.

Anyway, last Monday was 08S11's supposed scheduled class outing but in the end very few of us came and it turned out to be more of a group outing. We lunched at Carl's Jr where I had my lovely beef chilli cheese fries with extra cheese and chilli:) and left for Sentosa after that. We camwhored alot (you can check out the pics on Ah Cheong's facebook) and then Yuhui had to go. So the rest of us played cards and then Frisbee, which was very very fun and we squealed alot trying to catch the Frisbee. Then after that we were supposed to have a half-time, but we started playing a card game that resembled Cheat and we never resumed the game haha. We met Wilson at Vivo where we had our dinner at Food Republic. I love the suanla lamian with extra extra vinegar (2 and a half soup spoons, to be exact). It's the best, next to Crystal Jade's. And I took the MRT with HOHOHO and Wilson, but Hohoho's stop was like one stop away. And me and Wilson were talking the entire train ride from Harbourfont to Serangoon which surprisingly was very short and we were like, "Aye, reach already ar?" And I ate the Macademia Fudge I bought from Candy Empire which was disappointing. Granny Macs from Ginger Factory in Australia still has the best fudge. I wanna go back to Australia:( I miss that place. I know people usually miss more high-class places, like Italy or France, but I miss Down Under. Bondi Burger:( Macademia nuts:( Noosa beach:( Unpretentious chocolate fudge:(

Saturday was the Yellows POP, which I attended. And Joy, Jaclyn and Jocelyn were at the staircase landing gossiping for so long that we totally missed the front parts of the parade! Even though we came quite early. Yay congratulations my MELODY on your posts! You deserve them:) Jiayou kay? Haha you will always be my favourite SP! And congrats too to Rachael Pung, Edna Mode lookalike and OIC! Its quite sentimental especially since we've grown up with the Dark Blues and Yellows. The food was quite okay this year: apple strudel, mcdonald's hotcakes and mango pudding. But where was the sponsored pizzas that were stated at the back of the pop booklet hurr?! Haha but it was a blast, which I would have enjoyed more if I wasn't sick. Yeah, like wth, I fell sick on Thursday and so this whole weekend, when I'm supposed to be enjoying myself, I've instead been recuperating AT HOME. Bleah.

I cut my hair today, and the auntie gave me more fringe. But I look, as usual, retarded everytime I get a new haircut. I hate visiting hair salons, almost as much as people hate visiting the dentist. Hairstylists just can't get the hair style that I specify right. But I suppose I don't mind them much now that I'm older.

Okay, I'm off to play Runescape again now. My character is in need of a new hair style since her current one's been with her for 5 years now. And the barber shop is all the way in Fallador, which is very far from where she is now, which is in Varrock. Now that the graphics are better in Runescape, it seems a good time to get a new hair style.
I just hope she doesn't look as retarded as I do now.