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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Thursday, June 12, 2008
Grrrr I hate studying. It's the June HOLIDAYS damnit, but I feel like I'm preparing for my 'A's for something. I haven't been really productive though, cause I'm just not in the studying mood. And my father brought us out for lunch, so practically my entire afternoon was off. Then I went to play soccer with my brother and sister, and that effectively killed off the evening. Bleah. Anyway, Ryan invited me to CJ's council investiture yesterday along with some others but YAY! It means I can see pokkie! And ZY! (you know who, joy:D) Yayness! Haha. Today 2 funny things happened.
Farnie event #1: My father, brother and I were talking about recyclable bags and the conversation went like this:
Father: Nowadays must keep cloth bags cause supermarkets will surely not give plastic bags one day.
Me: You know the Anya Hindmarch "I'm Not A Plastic Bag" bag? It was created as a recyclable bag, but then people put plastic bags in it so totally defeat its purpose lah!
Brother: Haha why no one create "I'm Not A T-Shirt"? Or "I'm Not A Pants"? Or "I'm Not An Underwear"?
Father: Or "I'm Not A Bra"?
Me: Put bra and underwear for what!?! No one to see!
Father: No, they should put, "I'm used to support 2 lumps of fat".

Haha then me and my brother were like, "So lame!!!" and chortling with laughter. Then my father continued.

Father: Actually breasts are overrated. Just 2 lumps of fat only what. I think God knew that, thats why he added a dot to each then so much interest in them.

Now you know why I turned out the way I am:D

Farnie Event #2: Someone emailed me asking if I wanted free contact lens which were of my degree, and after I emailed back saying yes, the person asked: "Btw, you have the same name as my primary school mate, did you go to St. Nicholas Girls' School?" And of course I did, but after much correspondence apparently this Mylene Lim that she knew graduated in '87 or '88, before I was even born! It's so cool, there is someone named Mylene Lim after all! Mylene's such a rare name to find!

Okay, I have training at 8 tomorrow morning and here I am still on the computer. I will be soooo dead tomorrow.

Friday, June 06, 2008
Yeah YLTC is over and I'm glad to say I survived a 5-day-4-night camp in Kluang, Malaysia!:D It was a really different experience I guess, from what we as normal students will usually get to go through, and in a way, I suppose I should be appreciative of the fact that I've experienced this whole camp!

I woke up super early to wash my hair in case I wouldn't have the chance too later on during the day. Played bridge and taidi the entire bus ride to Kluang. We had lunch at Taman Haiwan, which we reached around 12.30pm I think. After lunch the clans split up and some went to pitch the tents; some went to do the flag while I went to learn how to tie knots for river crossing, together with some others. I dunno what the names are, but apparently I couldn't manage to do the knot via the easy way, and can do it properly only by the harder method! Then Luther taught me how to tie some impressive-looking knot that looks like a loop for lasso/hanging people. So now I learnt 3 new knots today instead of 2:) Dinner was outdoor cooking with Dilshaad, Keith, Kenneth, Sheryl and Yuhui, which kinda sucked coz the food was so blah. We had rice, sardines, and some weird combo of garlic, onions and lady's fingers! Everything was edible but unappetizing, and where's a sambal belachan when you need it most! Nothing much really happened today, and at night we had some presentation thingy and we created our campfire items.

Today we had some team building thingy in the morning, and we were split into 2 teams to do it. My team got stuck at the untangling game, which normally was supposed to be an easy task to complete but for some reason we couldn't do it that day. We succeeded only on the 4th try after many tiring, sweaty and acrobatics-like attempts:) Thanks to Jun Long who pushed for us to succeed no matter what (WITHOUT CHEATING), so yeah! After lunch we had kayaking, which was fun. It rained and I was afraid it would get called off, but thankfully everything went according to plan. Grace was my kayaking partner and she was good especially in the navigation part coz she knew how to stop the boat and changed its direction. And we managed to get a water bomb:D and we were pleased because then it wouldn't look so pathetic that we were returning to shore empty-handed. Everything was fine UNTIL Xiao Peng and Kwan Long decided to splash water on us. Then Qing Wei and Jun Long followed suit! And me and Grace were stuck in the middle. Then something happened and hahahahahahah!!!!!!!!! I can't say it here cause it's too embarrassing for Grace but it's really funnyX) Grace and I tried to squeeze island creamery out of the guys by pretending that Grace dropped one of her contacts because of them, but being the ungentlemen that they are they didn't even offer anything save an apology that sounded more customary than hearfelt. Dinner today was outdoor cooking again, and we had maggie mee! Yay even though it wasn't asam laksa but plain old chicken, but it tasted VERY good with an egg thrown in! Ahhhh heaven:) We had night walk today, and initially I was supposed to partner Yang Sheng but in the end I partnered Grace, which turned out to be a good thing cause we clutched each other for the whole journey unlike the guy-girl partners so we didn't feel really afraid and we weren't afraid of falling down too.

We had internal navigation in the morning which was pretty okay except that SOME PEOPLE were total bitches and bastards and it totally pissed me off the way they were behaving. We had rafting after lunch. And my team's raft failed:( It was a super cool design but not feasible I guess. Anyway I went with Kwan Long and Qing Wei and I was the navigator:D Though not a really good one I must say. After that I had problems disembarking the raft and Qing Wei was nice enough to jump into the river and pulled me to shore. I think he enjoyed the mud bath too. We had a proper dinner today and at night was some leadership talk. We had to play some activity first and then there was some show played about this photographer with the National Geographic who always "Celebrate what's right in this world". It was inspiring in the sense that the contents of the show made sense, but cause the sound system wasn't good and we were all so tired so I guess it seemed kinda boring.

And Semangat's totem got stolen today.

We got to go out of the campsite today for some hike up a mountain and a city trail. We split into 2 teams and me and Keith were the ICs for our team, but I think I was a super lousy and slack IC cause I didn't do much, if anything at all. Our group did the hike first, and I hiked most of the journey with Keith and Dilshaad, both of whom made the hike very interesting:D And Berjaya B is so mean to me Xp Like what, I cross the river then the whole group can go?! Haha but it was fun and due to time constraint we couldn't climb up to the summit. Then it was city trail and we got Sofian and Bear for our instructors in charge which rocked since they know the place and we had a WEE bit of help. We decided to finish all the checkpoints first before eating, and we managed to finish all 10 in 1 hr 30 mins time:D Which was fantastic! So we had KFC for lunch and I ate like a glutton, shoving down spoonfuls of the chicken rice one after another and I ate 3 chicken. All of which I later regretted cause then I not only felt sleepy afterwards, I felt bloated too and it ruined my appetite for dinner and supper coz I was too full already. And gahhh I hate shoot-shag-marry, especially when you people give me such difficult choices! And somemore want kiss-shag-marry. We had mock campfire cause it rained, and we didn't do our mosquito dance, which though cool would have sucked since we didn't practise and would have messed up the coordination real bad. And there was a bat Xp! I wasted my calories on that really screwed up Ramly burger. Bleah. Me, Audrey, Keith, Dilshaad and Chenchel laid down under the stars on the grass and talked. Chenchel fell in and out of sleep haha. Me and Cheongy were like gossiping and filling each other in on what we missed of each other the 4 days that we didn't talk. And in CHINESE. Haha Keith couldn't make sense of what we were talking about. And we tricked some people into believing that Keith was Luther since he had his shirt covering his face, and I think they believed itX) I was slurring off towards the end cause I was falling asleep and I dunno what nonsense I talked to Keith and Ah Cheong. Anyway Ah Cheong decided to bring her sleeping bag and the 5 of us finally got cozy and warm and then................................

Hah yup we totally never slept a wink and we got woken up just as we were getting comfy. We had to run up and down the hill and did some belly-back thing which was GROSS since I was in the mud puddle and I got soaked. EWW. Then we went for a run and the 6 of us Berjaya girls were the only ones behind the instructors after a while because those behind had trouble keeping up, which was not their fault cause the road was HORRIBLE and I sprinted a lot on the smooth roads trying to keep up. So then the instructors asked us to do a cheer and after it they were like, "We can't hear the boys" and we went,"Cause there are only 6 girls with you now". But they refused to slow down and in the end we stopped and went on pumping position on the gawdawful, rocky and painful road to wait for them. Sree was apologising to us that he didn't want things this way but he had no choice but to do so. Then alot of people screwed up the head count thingy and we had to stay down longer. Ouch. We ran and ran and then had to do jumping jacks (which I heard had a laxative effect on some people), and pumpings and sit-ups and it was very tiring but overall manageable a task. I was super sleepy already and so I volunteered to play the war game thingy just so that I wouldn't fall asleep. But I totally sucked at it haha. We had a nice big breakfast and I chionged to change my clothes (since I haven't bathed since Wed night) and then off to Singapore:D

Haha so that was what happened to me these past 5 days:) Oh and our tent collapsed EVERY SINGLE DAY. It exasperated us really badly. And Grace, Pamela, Sheryl, Shirley, Yuhui and I had to squueze into a 6-men tent when we were told that we would get an 8-men one. And the 8-men one was so huge! And long! We had absolutely no leg space in ours. And no space to move about too. And I FREAKING HATE INSECTS, and Taman Haiwan is swarming with them.