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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Sunday, March 25, 2007
The workshop ended yesterday
and yeah, it was overall better
than I expected. Woo. Many
cried yest but me sara joy and
yijun STILL kept our no-crying
pact. Man we are strong. More
than 10 people went up to talk
and many came in pairs so that
they wont be discounted as one.
I hate to say this, but wth i shall
say this anyway. I resented the
way one person made it sound
as though she were the
representative of all those who,
to quote her, "didnt have the
moral courage to go up and
speak". Do you actually know
what IS moral courage?? What
the hell do you mean by that?
Did you ever take into consideration
that maybe people choose not to go
up and speak because they DO NOT
have any regretful thing to say in
front of the audience about the
relationship between them and
their parents? I am not discounting
the courage of all those who went
up, but I hated the way she made it
sound as though those who didnt
go up were big time cowards and she
was "apologising" to their parents for
their daughters' cowardice. You SUCK,
to quote yet another phrase from you.
Geezwheez. Oh and another person
pissed me off totally yesterday. If
I give you the full details she is sure to
know I'm talking about her, because I
realise that ALOT of people I know (and
dont know) read my blog even though
they dont tag. Let me just say, for
memories keepsake, that she very
OBVIOUSLY did not included me,
joy and kaylyn into her group for the
studying thing. It may sound petty here,
but the full story is too long to blog
about. I think I wasted my money
buying her that myuk pouch for her
b'day. She so obviously doesnt
deserve it. Should have just given her
some rubbish I picked up from the

Friday, March 23, 2007
Second day into the training
workshop. I dont deny that
it is actually useful in a way,
but I'll try to make it work.
For me.
Sara, Yijun, Joy and I
kept our pact on not
crying. OKEY..... And
Ms Jacob came up to
me and Sara during the
mindmap thingy and just
went, "I have selected you
to represent our class in
the Interclass debate comp."
Yijun and Inez were chosen
too, and so was Cheryl but
she didnt confirm it. Whee!
I havent debated in a LONG
time, so I just hope I dun screw
things up for the team.
Really, I dont see how
picturing my parents' dying
and their funeral can help
me score and succeed.
Maybe I'm just not getting
it; maybe it's because I
refused to picture the
scene; maybe it's just because
my relationship with my
parents is perfectly fine.
No need for regrets and tears.
I hate it when he manipulated
people's minds. Or as Sara calls
it, "a brainwashing session".
I hate it when people manipulate
my mind. Though there were
some things he said that were true.
Like how we hide our real selves
behind a mask. I do it so that
I dont get hurt. God knows how
many times I have let down
my guard and poof! Someone
gets too close to my heart and
then completely destroys it.
Behind every cheery face lies
a scarred heart. And I think
it's true. It's scarred, but it keeps
beating. Because if there is one
thing I learnt early in the game
of friendship is that forgive,
learn and MOVE ON. But you
know the worst kind of love?
It is when the person you are in
love with is a friend. So near yet so
far seems to aptly describes this.
The worst way to miss someone
is when they are right beside you
and yet you can never tell them.
Too many of us stay walled because
we are afraid to care too much....
for fear that the other person
might not care at all. Many find
it difficult to pluck up the courage
and just say, "I like you. As in,
not just LIKE you, but like LIKE
you," You know how sometimes
the woman's intuition tells you
when someone likes you? You
just know it. It's just so frustrating
when someone just seems to
display signs of liking you, and
then goes around hugging other
people. Then gives you a hug
which means so much to you,
but you know that it is just
another hug to that person.
YOU would know what I'm
talking about.
If you like someone, go for it.
As the trainer puts it, Life is
too short to waste on awful
memories. Carpe diem people!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Oh and one more thing:
Dont worry girl, your feelings
for me are understandable
considering my lovely nature:)
Too bad they aren't reciprocrated!
But dont give up on your journey
to finding true love!

If I hear the name Wu Zun one
more time, I think I will scream.
Honestly What is so great about
this Brunei native that just
reduces girls to piles of giggling
shit? Ok yah he's got big eyes
(something which, if you see
his pictures, he constantly
draws attention to), he has
got nice muscles, and he is
tall. So? Really, I caught a few
episodes of hanakimi, and nope,
dont feel anything. Not cool
enough, not hot enough, nothing.
Zilch. Nil. Zero. Cause that's the
thing with stars, you gotta be
an extreme. People notice you
only if you are EXTREME. Too
fat, they notice. Too thin, they
notice. Big boobs, they notice.
Keira's flatties, they notice.
You cant be normal. So yeah.
Sad truth. And to get back
on the subject of Wu Zun.
Really, I think Fahrenheit
is a LOUSY band. Their
songs are nice, but their
singing is like EWWWW.
I think I had better stop
dissing them here. One
cant be too sure on the
internet and lest I get
hunt down by some
Wu Zun wannabe wife
or some crazed Fahrenheit
fan and get brutally
whacked up or something,
I have this to add: Relax
you morons, they aren't
the worst band out there.
Keep your faith in them,
and in the meantime, I
shall be locked up in
my room until the day
Wu Zun goes from hong
to so yesterday. Watch
this space.

Saturday, March 10, 2007
First day of the school hols.....
But nah, wont be a break
considering the amount of
work I have to do:(
Last wed was the last pe
elective, and yes!!!!!!!!!!!
TEAM came in champs!!!!!!!
Woohoo!! We beat 4C by a
goal difference in the overall
score. Good job! I think we
work better as a team! As
compared to the start when we
had to split!
GK: Joy
Defenders: Joanne, Kayys, Jieyi
Midfielders: Grace, Yijun, Alicia
Wingers: Nikki, Olivia, ME!
We drew 0-0 against Loyalty,
won 2-0 (Nikki, me) against Justice
and drew again 1-1 against Charity
I survived ALOT of tests this term,
and had many great memories!
Joy, Wengger and I in our lovely
corner at the back of the classroom!
Where it's insect haven and that
Gonna change seats soon and I
will miss those guys! Sara and
her 'awesomeness', Mei Ying's
rubbishness and getting bullied
by that Valerie! We got a new
but it is half complete as yet.
We passed and flunked tests,
laughed at stupid Molly and
talked more than we study
in our room in the library!
TSquare the shit came back,
MS CHIA LEFT!! and the
worst of all, got back chinese
'o' level results! My lovely SP
from s2 wrote to me and I
LOVE HER!!! And it's......
MELODY!!! Whee!!! My other
SP leh....the worst. Really
da bian. Never even write
back. And why? Cause she's
off cavorting with her
Screwed up my bio spa.
Big time. Oh well. Term
2 is coming and it's gonna be
a hectic one, with sports day,
malay oral and napfa!
Hopefully my new tablemate(s)
will be nice!