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stories biography escapes archives



Hello, my name is Mylene.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I realised that going to Malaysia
is like going on a learning
journey. Everything is in malay,
so during my recent trip to KL
after dtc, I picked up quite a
few phrases:) OH and I saw
my asam laksa maggi at
the esso station! You know,
esso sounds like a bad word
if you cant pronounce it
properly. Haha. I cant wait
until the year end sales are
on! KL has got great sales!
And I want to go back to
JB again, because of the
new Jusco! And the otah!
There is this old lady
who sells scrummylicious
otah! Haiz....everytime I
go back to malaysia,
especially melaka, I eat
alot because the food is
just so good. Like what
happened at KL. I ate
There was goreng
pisang and while I
was eating it I
remembered the bunk
3(wassit?) item:) But
this one was much nicer!
Malaysia makes me fat
and I'm loving it!

Friday, November 24, 2006
Back from mini comp/dtc camp!!
Survived on 4 hours of sleep each night
only but some squadmates have had
it worse! Judging FA was super farnie!
Juniors have weird humour and
when in a situation like reassuring the
casualty, they really CRAP!
So so funny, some of them. Aiyah
but comp not meant to be funny
right? Miscommunication was the
downfall of alot of groups,
including mine last year.
Me and yinyee forgot to check
something i think. Not too sure
what though. I look awful
last year lah. Somemore huiwen
took so many photos of nc1....tsk.
First aid lessons were OKAY.
My hand was very suan from all
that writing. Oh and night trail
people!! I organise one! Why
everybody not scared leh?!
My station was a total failure in
the fright compartment. FAIL.
Even hugging the statue proved
an easy task for them...sob. And
why everybody says that I have
so many stories to tell??! My
poor squad jacket was dotted pink
by a junior!! And so were my shoes!
At night I thought bunk 2 was
very li hai! Still can off light!
WAAHHH..... Bunk 1 also good lah.....
except the...ermms... HAIRNET girl.
Second day I ran 4 rounds!!
Clap clap! I wanted to do circuit
with the juniors lah, but somebody
by the name of CHUA XILEI dragged
me(and the ever obliging Kelly Wong)
to run with her because she wants to
Can you believe that woman??!!!
Oh and during the knots thing i was
asleep most of the time in bunk and
outdoor cooking was...normal lor.
Asam laksa! Oh and i learnt a new
malay word! Its DIILHAMKAN!
The root word is ilham which means
inspiration! It was on the maggi
packet:) Triage was BAD, despite
our teaching. Tsk. I think planning
for triage is exhaustive but fun!
Didn't see much of footdrill thanks to
debbie's constant yakking on shin
goon and tae han min gul! And
she calls it entertainment!
Somebody's hair is VERY SMELLY!!
I wont go into further details, but
some squad mates should know
wat im talking about! Campfire
was so dead initially; luckily
it became better after awhile. I think
brenda's very enthu! Oh and I tried
doing the " your side, your side,
your side your front your back" in
the malay form that i created!
Kinda tongue twisting...
Say it fast!
Yinyee's paper panties were
hilarious! Hahahahahahaha.....
So many people sick during
changing parade.....
Sentry was short but fun.
Cause all five of us talked crap
while walking and our
footwear made so much noise
for some reason. Watched the
b-ball match and I cheered.....
alone. The second game people
were lucky cause I was fully
awake by then and I cheered
for the losing team....who lost
anyway. I remember yinyee, jacy,
jiayan and xinyi in the team only.
Oops. And tess in the other who
kept snatching the ball. Evaluation
time really pissed me off at a point
in time, but whatever.
Congrats to everybody for their
hard work and effort!
This camp really rocked and
I hope for a sequel!
Now that camp is over....
I am waiting for the malaysia
year end sale to start!
Will go back to melaka soon
but melaka only got mahkota leh...
JB got more! And so
does KL!!! Yeah!!
Cant wait for 1st dec!