This is a special post
dedicated to my
longest MSP friend!!
Who is also lame, crappy,
watches drama serials,
loves Mickey Mouse & Puma
and is super fun!
I will nv 4get:
-our places @ the front
of the classroom, where
we had 2 be guai
-illegally playing the comp
-talking abt puan's 'LV'
and her large brooches
-doing errands for her
-cheating for e-learning
-eating all those foods
and Melaka trip!!!!!!
Where we ate, shopped,
ate some more, shopped
and did so many fun stuffs!
My partner-in-crime!
The prank calls and the
room calls! And IVAN!!
Hahahahahaha! Bet you
still rmb that guy!
Oh and the gula melaka
and all those food!
It was fun because you
were there! Thank you
for making this whole
year so fun and I can't
wait until next year.
See you girl!
discovered that
quite a few
people read my
blog. If there
is anything on
my blog that
disturbs you
(which I frankly
believe there is
none), please do
NOT create a
huge ruckus and
create a mountain
out of a molehill
of the contents.
I am fully aware that
there are people
whom I am not
even close to that
read this little space
I have here. If there
are bad comments
here about you,
please bear with it.
When I write what
I wrote, it is for a
reason. I felt what
I wrote at that
moment. I won't
apologise. Deal
with it. Comments
have been coming
in regarding the
contents on my
blog, especially
entries where I
slam people.
I don't care and
I don't see why you
should. People, this
ain't your blog.
If you ain't happy,
I say, SIAM.
that made me scorn the
person who said it rather
badly inwardly. The topic
of the conversation was
about body figures, and
she had shallowly declared
that a stick thin figure
was much sexier than
a curvy one. Or words to that
effect. She had commented
that JLo wasn't hot, and
that a skinny figure was
much hotter. It got me
thinking, why are girls
these days so hot (no
pun intented) over
body shapes no different
from that of a broomstick?
What exactly is so appealing
about protruding bones
and chopstick legs? Why
are girls starving themselves
to look like some poor African
child who, on the other hand,
wouldn't mind eating what
she gets to eat everyday?
I am not saying that to be
obese is a wonderous thing,
but why the extremes? What
that girl also said was that
she didn't mind being a
model. (Reality check readers:
she isn't exactly model material.)
I, for one, would NEVER
enter a profession where your
self worth is measured by your
height and waist size. I know
modelling is, by itself, a
career, but I refuse to subject
myself to a diet of only greens
and coffee just for that
catwalk. I am perfectly
happy just the way I am. Yes,
I am not tall, and definitely
not skinny, but I am well-endowed
both in the chest and butt
department, and I am standing
up for my kind. Yes, I do have
to put up with remarks of my
chest and people calling me
fat, but I simply say that
these people are jealous of
my womanly figure and
are just trying to put me
down. Sorry, but
no effect. Self love baby:)
On a more serious note,
I strongly feel that a girl
must learn to love the body
she is in and not conform it
to ridiculous standards set
by the media. I'll just bet
that the journalist who
called a celebrity "fat"
was no lightweight herself.
And I have absolutely no
respect for that 'quack'
called Lulu, who said
"It is beyond my
intelligence how anyone
can be anything other than
slim." or something like
that. Well Dr, seems like
you ain't got no intelligence
at all then. And the
men ain't helping either,
but I shan't lambast them
too much on my blog.
Ekin Cheng was reportedly
attracted to Gigi Leung
because she was slender
and lanky. And there
I always had the notion
that lanky was best
used to describe ranchers
and sexy cowboys. Honestly
I do feel that any
man would trade 5
Posh Spice for 1 JLo
anytime. And I agree with
America Ferrera that people
like Eva Longoria ain't curvy,
they are tiny.
The conversation ended
with me retorting: "A curvy
body is exactly what a woman
is supposed to have." I am
proud of my body. I am proud
that they curve in the right
places. I love my body, and
that is why I wouldn't trade
it for one of those skeletal
things you see parading up
and down a catwalk clad in
designer couture even if
you paid me to.
82.5!! Yeah!!! And Mei Ying
got 77 lah. St Nicks girls
are so good in malay. Yet
Puan har, send in her report
praising Raffles Institution!!
St Nicks leh??!! Tsk. We are
better can. Aiyoh Puan.
I found out today that
Jie Ying stays at the
estate next to mine!!!!
All these years and I just realised!!
Shock diao!
Like her house is walking dist
from mine. Aiyoh.
Rally today was quite ermms.
No comments, otherwise I will
get throttled by the candidates'
die hard fans. *SHUDDERS*
Already kena like how many
times today. Haha, everybody's
stickers are going into my Snow
White sticker book! They look
quite out of place.
Cousins coming this weekend!
Yeah!! But that chinese o levels
also coming!! Boo! I cant wait until
it is over! Chen Lao Shi gave some
emo talk today and it scared me
BIG TIME. I cant wait until
the social etiquette thing. Not that
I need it:) but still.....
I want Daim!!
Give me the whole packet to eat!!
I LURRVVEE that choc ALOT!
Such an interesting week!
And rather slack too.
I LURRVE slacking!
And gossiping:)
Thursday was so much fun!
Annual Games Carnival!
I game-hopped, which was
a very fun thing to do.
Played a game of captain's ball,
two games soccer, four games
floorball and floorball semis.
Then the next day my body
ached and was so sore.
Tsk. But Counterpain works
wonders. I applaud the inventor
of Counterpain. The SJ meeting
was quite fun. And was I high on
that day meh? PCK was a good idea
ok! My squaddies are ridiculous. But
I love:) Friday was quite....religious.
However much as I hate to say this,
I think that Father Simon did preach
'false facts' on some parts. Will not say
what. CCA was so interesting can! CPR
teaching is an enjoyment. Sec Ones
are soooo blur. Then they make cute
mistakes. Like how one refused to kiss
the dummy. And another nearly yanked
the dummy's head off while doing head-tilt
-chin-lift. And another fanned the alcohol
off the dummy's mouth for so long. The
last group was so noisy. And the noisy
people weren't the Sec Ones. They were
the Sec Threes aka my SQUADMATES!
Laugh and laugh and laugh! Then poor
Happy Chun, cause she was doing CPR and
I kept stopping and laughing and she was
stuck there! And hello, how did I become
Rosie ar? Tsk. Thank you loads to OLIVIA
KAI XIN for being my 'models' and doing
CPR while I stood there and talked! Thank
Supposed to meet at 10.30am
but abit I woke up only at 9.40am!
My mom sent me to bishan mrt
Hillary was late so we
went to J8 while waiting
then the blur sotong couldnt find us
and took the opp train!
So end up we had to wait for her again!
Tsk tsk.
Wanted to go to see The Art of Cartier!
We are culturally refined people
who actually visit museums!
Couldnt find our so the brave me asked
this worker who also dunno
and had to ask this Indian guy
I liked the way her addressed him:
Finally found our way there.
The jewels are GORGEOUS!!!
I love the tiger ring!
It looks so majestic!
And Kaylyn like a ring
which is actually a cluster
of ruby beads
like Runescape's red spider eggs
Trust her to like this sort of thing!
Then we saw SOMEONE!
And all of us were like hiding!
The security guard kept looking lah!
Completed our mini jewel tour!
Was in heaven there lah!
Except maybe Nicole Ann Lee
the totally-disinterested-in-niang-things poke.
Went up the escalator and then went back
down to take photos. Kayys and her Hello Panda!
Went to VivoCity that quite lousy place
Open also dunno for what
Everywhere "Opening Soon!"
"Coming your way this ___" Tsk tsk.
Went opp to Harbour Front Centre
and ate lunch at Breeks
That stupid GST and service charge
was so BLOODY MUCH!! Grrrr!!!
Went walking a bit before going to
Toys R Us. Everybody became
little children again
frocking about and squealing all over!
I bought Kelly clothes and Kaylyn bought
some flower magnet.
After that everybody went home
so me and Kayys went to Borders
and read some mags until the
security guard came
then we went outside
And the forever-cheapo-us saw Taka
had rings for $1! But then two girls
came along and took the remaining two!
So we went next door and Kayys bought
personalised stickers and I bought a
personalised stamp! Coming soon by mail!
Went McCafe to drink and then go home!
Yeah bought more food for my family
at J8!
The EOYS are OVER!!
I am so deliriously happy!
A Maths was OKAY
Tsk tsk the first question
After paper went out with
Kaylyn and Joy.
Hillary was supposed to come too
But in the end she had some family thing
So we cabbed to IKEA
Haha only $9.30!
Divided by three!
Somemore to Alexandra Rd!
And we were gossiping in the cab
and the cabbie was LAUGHING!!
Then me and kayys felt so giddy
so all of us closed our eyes and talked
and we must have looked so WEIRD!
The cabbie was VERY entertained!
We went to IKEA and shopped!
And realised that we VERY YOU YUAN!
Like I was @ one shelf looking at a box
and they were at another looking at the same one!
And we lian each other sentences!!
We shopped there with our large trolley
that was very hard to manoeuvre around
the glass jars and candles
Somemore the aisle so small!
Aft we got our things we went opp to Anchorpoint
Walked around a bit then went back
Joy was hungry!
We stood up eating hotdogs and Kaylyn
ate her cheesesticks like forever
Refilled the cup illegally!
Then so sad gotta go back
Thanks to Joy's father who gave us a lift
I bought the Taiwanese chicken and
Old Chang Kee's puffs for my family
Long but satisfying day
Going out again tomorrow!
So stay tune!
Hello, my name is Mylene.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

This is a special post
dedicated to my
longest MSP friend!!
Who is also lame, crappy,
watches drama serials,
loves Mickey Mouse & Puma
and is super fun!
I will nv 4get:
-our places @ the front
of the classroom, where
we had 2 be guai
-illegally playing the comp
-talking abt puan's 'LV'
and her large brooches
-doing errands for her
-cheating for e-learning
-eating all those foods
and Melaka trip!!!!!!
Where we ate, shopped,
ate some more, shopped
and did so many fun stuffs!
My partner-in-crime!
The prank calls and the
room calls! And IVAN!!
Hahahahahaha! Bet you
still rmb that guy!
Oh and the gula melaka
and all those food!
It was fun because you
were there! Thank you
for making this whole
year so fun and I can't
wait until next year.
See you girl!
Last day of MSP!
Only 4 others turned up!
So sad!
The chocolate macadaemia
cookies were scrumilicious!
And I ate alot while
watching cheryl & elizabeth
play the congkak:)
and downloading all those
music files frm cheryl's hp...
Took only 2 photos tho...

Disappearing specs I have!!
Only 4 others turned up!
So sad!
The chocolate macadaemia
cookies were scrumilicious!
And I ate alot while
watching cheryl & elizabeth
play the congkak:)
and downloading all those
music files frm cheryl's hp...
Took only 2 photos tho...

Disappearing specs I have!!
Monday, October 23, 2006
I have recentlydiscovered that
quite a few
people read my
blog. If there
is anything on
my blog that
disturbs you
(which I frankly
believe there is
none), please do
NOT create a
huge ruckus and
create a mountain
out of a molehill
of the contents.
I am fully aware that
there are people
whom I am not
even close to that
read this little space
I have here. If there
are bad comments
here about you,
please bear with it.
When I write what
I wrote, it is for a
reason. I felt what
I wrote at that
moment. I won't
apologise. Deal
with it. Comments
have been coming
in regarding the
contents on my
blog, especially
entries where I
slam people.
I don't care and
I don't see why you
should. People, this
ain't your blog.
If you ain't happy,
I say, SIAM.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Today I heard somethingthat made me scorn the
person who said it rather
badly inwardly. The topic
of the conversation was
about body figures, and
she had shallowly declared
that a stick thin figure
was much sexier than
a curvy one. Or words to that
effect. She had commented
that JLo wasn't hot, and
that a skinny figure was
much hotter. It got me
thinking, why are girls
these days so hot (no
pun intented) over
body shapes no different
from that of a broomstick?
What exactly is so appealing
about protruding bones
and chopstick legs? Why
are girls starving themselves
to look like some poor African
child who, on the other hand,
wouldn't mind eating what
she gets to eat everyday?
I am not saying that to be
obese is a wonderous thing,
but why the extremes? What
that girl also said was that
she didn't mind being a
model. (Reality check readers:
she isn't exactly model material.)
I, for one, would NEVER
enter a profession where your
self worth is measured by your
height and waist size. I know
modelling is, by itself, a
career, but I refuse to subject
myself to a diet of only greens
and coffee just for that
catwalk. I am perfectly
happy just the way I am. Yes,
I am not tall, and definitely
not skinny, but I am well-endowed
both in the chest and butt
department, and I am standing
up for my kind. Yes, I do have
to put up with remarks of my
chest and people calling me
fat, but I simply say that
these people are jealous of
my womanly figure and
are just trying to put me
down. Sorry, but
no effect. Self love baby:)
On a more serious note,
I strongly feel that a girl
must learn to love the body
she is in and not conform it
to ridiculous standards set
by the media. I'll just bet
that the journalist who
called a celebrity "fat"
was no lightweight herself.
And I have absolutely no
respect for that 'quack'
called Lulu, who said
"It is beyond my
intelligence how anyone
can be anything other than
slim." or something like
that. Well Dr, seems like
you ain't got no intelligence
at all then. And the
men ain't helping either,
but I shan't lambast them
too much on my blog.
Ekin Cheng was reportedly
attracted to Gigi Leung
because she was slender
and lanky. And there
I always had the notion
that lanky was best
used to describe ranchers
and sexy cowboys. Honestly
I do feel that any
man would trade 5
Posh Spice for 1 JLo
anytime. And I agree with
America Ferrera that people
like Eva Longoria ain't curvy,
they are tiny.
The conversation ended
with me retorting: "A curvy
body is exactly what a woman
is supposed to have." I am
proud of my body. I am proud
that they curve in the right
places. I love my body, and
that is why I wouldn't trade
it for one of those skeletal
things you see parading up
and down a catwalk clad in
designer couture even if
you paid me to.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Topped malay class:)82.5!! Yeah!!! And Mei Ying
got 77 lah. St Nicks girls
are so good in malay. Yet
Puan har, send in her report
praising Raffles Institution!!
St Nicks leh??!! Tsk. We are
better can. Aiyoh Puan.
I found out today that
Jie Ying stays at the
estate next to mine!!!!
All these years and I just realised!!
Shock diao!
Like her house is walking dist
from mine. Aiyoh.
Rally today was quite ermms.
No comments, otherwise I will
get throttled by the candidates'
die hard fans. *SHUDDERS*
Already kena like how many
times today. Haha, everybody's
stickers are going into my Snow
White sticker book! They look
quite out of place.
Cousins coming this weekend!
Yeah!! But that chinese o levels
also coming!! Boo! I cant wait until
it is over! Chen Lao Shi gave some
emo talk today and it scared me
BIG TIME. I cant wait until
the social etiquette thing. Not that
I need it:) but still.....
I want Daim!!
Give me the whole packet to eat!!
I LURRVVEE that choc ALOT!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Whee!Such an interesting week!
And rather slack too.
I LURRVE slacking!
And gossiping:)
Thursday was so much fun!
Annual Games Carnival!
I game-hopped, which was
a very fun thing to do.
Played a game of captain's ball,
two games soccer, four games
floorball and floorball semis.
Then the next day my body
ached and was so sore.
Tsk. But Counterpain works
wonders. I applaud the inventor
of Counterpain. The SJ meeting
was quite fun. And was I high on
that day meh? PCK was a good idea
ok! My squaddies are ridiculous. But
I love:) Friday was quite....religious.
However much as I hate to say this,
I think that Father Simon did preach
'false facts' on some parts. Will not say
what. CCA was so interesting can! CPR
teaching is an enjoyment. Sec Ones
are soooo blur. Then they make cute
mistakes. Like how one refused to kiss
the dummy. And another nearly yanked
the dummy's head off while doing head-tilt
-chin-lift. And another fanned the alcohol
off the dummy's mouth for so long. The
last group was so noisy. And the noisy
people weren't the Sec Ones. They were
the Sec Threes aka my SQUADMATES!
Laugh and laugh and laugh! Then poor
Happy Chun, cause she was doing CPR and
I kept stopping and laughing and she was
stuck there! And hello, how did I become
Rosie ar? Tsk. Thank you loads to OLIVIA
KAI XIN for being my 'models' and doing
CPR while I stood there and talked! Thank
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Day Two of shopping!Supposed to meet at 10.30am
but abit I woke up only at 9.40am!
My mom sent me to bishan mrt
Hillary was late so we
went to J8 while waiting
then the blur sotong couldnt find us
and took the opp train!
So end up we had to wait for her again!
Tsk tsk.
Wanted to go to see The Art of Cartier!
We are culturally refined people
who actually visit museums!
Couldnt find our so the brave me asked
this worker who also dunno
and had to ask this Indian guy
I liked the way her addressed him:
Finally found our way there.
The jewels are GORGEOUS!!!
I love the tiger ring!
It looks so majestic!
And Kaylyn like a ring
which is actually a cluster
of ruby beads
like Runescape's red spider eggs
Trust her to like this sort of thing!
Then we saw SOMEONE!
And all of us were like hiding!
The security guard kept looking lah!
Completed our mini jewel tour!
Was in heaven there lah!
Except maybe Nicole Ann Lee
the totally-disinterested-in-niang-things poke.
Went up the escalator and then went back
down to take photos. Kayys and her Hello Panda!
Went to VivoCity that quite lousy place
Open also dunno for what
Everywhere "Opening Soon!"
"Coming your way this ___" Tsk tsk.
Went opp to Harbour Front Centre
and ate lunch at Breeks
That stupid GST and service charge
was so BLOODY MUCH!! Grrrr!!!
Went walking a bit before going to
Toys R Us. Everybody became
little children again
frocking about and squealing all over!
I bought Kelly clothes and Kaylyn bought
some flower magnet.
After that everybody went home
so me and Kayys went to Borders
and read some mags until the
security guard came
then we went outside
And the forever-cheapo-us saw Taka
had rings for $1! But then two girls
came along and took the remaining two!
So we went next door and Kayys bought
personalised stickers and I bought a
personalised stamp! Coming soon by mail!
Went McCafe to drink and then go home!
Yeah bought more food for my family
at J8!
Monday, October 09, 2006
YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!The EOYS are OVER!!
I am so deliriously happy!
A Maths was OKAY
Tsk tsk the first question
After paper went out with
Kaylyn and Joy.
Hillary was supposed to come too
But in the end she had some family thing
So we cabbed to IKEA
Haha only $9.30!
Divided by three!
Somemore to Alexandra Rd!
And we were gossiping in the cab
and the cabbie was LAUGHING!!
Then me and kayys felt so giddy
so all of us closed our eyes and talked
and we must have looked so WEIRD!
The cabbie was VERY entertained!
We went to IKEA and shopped!
And realised that we VERY YOU YUAN!
Like I was @ one shelf looking at a box
and they were at another looking at the same one!
And we lian each other sentences!!
We shopped there with our large trolley
that was very hard to manoeuvre around
the glass jars and candles
Somemore the aisle so small!
Aft we got our things we went opp to Anchorpoint
Walked around a bit then went back
Joy was hungry!
We stood up eating hotdogs and Kaylyn
ate her cheesesticks like forever
Refilled the cup illegally!
Then so sad gotta go back
Thanks to Joy's father who gave us a lift
I bought the Taiwanese chicken and
Old Chang Kee's puffs for my family
Long but satisfying day
Going out again tomorrow!
So stay tune!