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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Friday, September 22, 2006
Exams are fast approaching, and I
haven't really been studying hard.
Like so many crazy girls who stuff
their noses into their books at
every second of the day
and sleep at like, two. Tsk.
Oh yah and today was like such a
FUN day. Coz @ the library the stupid,
freaking bitch of an auntie with her
wobbly, untoned ass kept coming over
and asking us to keep quiet, and then
when we were quiet she kept hovering
over us and SH was like laughing
(actually they were just soft muffled laughs
coz she laughed into the magazine) and
the auntie asked us to go into the office leh!!
She accused us of calling her SIAO
(like wadever!) and wrote me, SH and
Thingko's name! FREAK LAH YOU!
Oh yah and I call it FUN coz she
didnt know I have THE MOUTH. And I was
damn annoyed @ her nonsensical
accusations and I rebutted her every
question and accusation until she was
a little stunned herself. At first she was
throwing all the accusations at me;
in the end she switched target to SH and Thingko.
But I still felt bu shuang and argue with her
somemore! SH, dont think I didnt caught the
shocked look you gave me. Wo ke shi
ting li hai de wo~
I am at this stage of my life
when anything you do or say can seriously
and drastically change my impression
on you. I also dunno why. My own
fluctuating feelings scare me sometimes.
And sometimes, I am really tempted
to let go of HER. Coz it is pointless chasing
and so tiring too, when she doesnt even look
back to see who is chasing her. I have
come to really accept that she has
change, which is why sometimes I am quite
unbothered when mou-mou ren complains
about her and her new FRIENDS. Friends? Bah.
That mou-mou ren is really indecisive and
I dunno how to continue on. I can give up
on relationships. I have done so before.
Not coz Im cold. But because I know
if I dont, I will end up getting more hurt.
Ok, so maybe I do like HER lah. Friends for so long
so many secrets, she is the one who has changed.
Things will nv be the same again, and that
mou-mou ren still wont accepts this.
To be naive wont help you. To run away from
problems wont do. To ignore the
problems only feed them to grow. Tsk tsk.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
A Mylene Lim's word is as solid as a mountain, and because I gave Kaylyn my word that I would dedicate an entire post to her, I shall.


Hello Kayys this post is just for you! Hmm let's see....
I think you are a wonderful friend and
a marvellous gossip partner! I know
that you helped me a lot, especially during
what happened and all. You were like
our communication device you know! And I sometimes
feel like we were secret agents, coz everytime
some lil piece of info came along we were
talking on the phone about it already!
I think we have a lot of secrets
and gossip between us! If we wrote it into
a book it would be the size of a novel!
Im sorry if I freaked you out a little today, but yah,
I really thought so you know! That you were
taking our plus sign out to compensate the
losing plus with HER. Sorry! Yes you HAVE
helped me a lot and I will never forget it. I forgot
how we became so close already actually...
we werent so close last year leh. Nvm and I am NOT
the leader of the pack lor! Like a bit... I know you
told me a lot of things that you were not supposed to,
and I am grateful to you for that. Haha and our
gossip sessions on the phone last for so long!
Anyway I know you will always be there for me lah.
I KNOW. Dont worry. Likewise I will also be there for you to!
I know things will never be the same way
as they were before
but we shall try to recreate our old

Saturday, September 16, 2006
I cant believe she forgot about it
Like what kind of attitude is that?
Three of us write you a letter
And you forgot about it
What are you trying to say?
That we are not impt to you anymore?
That we are easily forgettable?
You run around with your new friends
Sucking up to everybody
Preparing for the day when
we leave you
You hang around ppl we
never expected you to hang around with
Trying to make us jealous?
Trying to show off that you
dont need us?
Sorry girl
It ain't working
You try so hard
It sometimes looks so pathetic
I sometimes feel so sorry for you
That your insecurities
are making you look like a fool
You are a coward
running away from your problems
Pretending they dont exist
You aren't the man you make yourself out to be
I feel so disappointed in you
Sad too, that this is what comes out in the end
You are a chicken alright.