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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Talking to Kaylyn now on my handphone. She said that we are going to change seats! I DUN WANT TO!! I wanna sit with Nicole! (Operation 1/2) And Joy gets to sit with Natalie!! So unfair! ( I smell foul play. ) I hope Miss Lai doesnt agree to it. And Kaylyn told me ALOT of the seating arrangements, and somebody in our class crushes Lisa Teo! Wun tell you who. Anyway, yesterday a butch came up to me and ask for my hanphone no. And she was so short can. Yah and today when they saw me, they snickered like gossipy girls can. Geez.
Oh and this stupid malay guy with the rubbishy long name sms me and insulted me. I insulted him back. Duh. Like who wouldnt. And I dun even know him.
Whye Keat's birthday today.... Second one in Algo. Im the first of course:) Oh and tomorrow we have five periods=2 and a 1/2 hours of MATHEMATICS!! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!
Somemore got chinese test tomorrow......maths class test.......malay test.....and maths common test this friday. RUBBISH.

Friday, February 17, 2006
Had such an interesting week, and for the first time in my school life had THREE tests in one day...... Can die lah. Nicole Ann Lee Pei Yi (NALPY) and Sara Yap Soon Yen (SYSY) are tormenting me!! I wanna strangle them! So irritating! Say me bisexual and love men somemore.... You two are LUNATICS!!! Finally sms Melissa Lam after like, 2 mths, and read her blog. MEL, UR BLOG IS FULL OF CRAP!!!! And Shi Hui has an admirer called LK!! Tanned guy somemore.....
Sec One Orientation was quite fun, but so sad cannot be gamemaster. And Group 7 rocks man! We were so enthu! Yeah~~ I realised that Yinyee and Louisa are so NAUGHTY, and Chua Xi Lei+ Ser Huiwen = LAMEST PEOPLE ON EARTH! What with their chinese new year cheer somemore..... LAME.
My V-Dae chocs and sweets are still unfinished; must go and finish them. And suddenly I have the urge to shop. Dunno for what too.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006
I am supposed to study chinese, but got no mood lah. This week is SOOO long, and somemore there will be english test. DIE! And why dun people check their phones for sms-es?!
It is Jie Ying's birthday today! Happy Birthday daughter:) ! Hope she likes my crappy present.....
I cant find my cha cha photos! So angry! WHERE HAVE THEY GONE??!! So sorry Olivia.... But I will jin liang try my best!
I know I will get my retribution tomorrow coz I didnt study hard enough for chinese. But what to do? And I am talking to Nicole now. On my handphone somemore. Lesson learnt: Never talk to Nicole on my handphone. I will develop neck ache.

Friday, February 03, 2006
Been really busy for the last few weeks, so here is a summary of the major events that happened:

I had a smashing time @ POC. It was really fun, and I passed BNCO!! So happy! Wish all of ALGO had passed though.....
That mini skirt is so SHORT, if I bend over everything will be EXPOSED. Everyone said we look like white angels.... Like a cheerleading squad. And I am never gonna dye my hair, be it spray on or.... dye on. When I washed my hair, the whole floor turned red and orange!
Wen Xiong broke my headband the big headed guy. And then when we were supposed to dance I jumped about a lot, and thanks to no headband my hair repeatedly slapped my face. And other people's too.
That parade, rehearsed so many times and then the Zone Commissioner never even appreciated it. Can tell from her actions.

CNY 2006
This year's chinese new year was early..... Very rush. Didnt even have time to shop. It wasnt a very fun chinese new year, coz major firecrackers are not allowed anymore. And they are the more interesting ones. It wasnt so bad, and I never gambled or touch a drop of alcohol. Good right me :) I didnt received a lot of money, and somemore in RINGGIT. Convert to Singapore dollars so little. And my father's and brother's b'dae on 5th Feb, and Valentine's Day coming soon!! OOOOH! And I cant stand the fact that Singapore only 2 days holiday!! Malaysia has 9!