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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Sunday, January 15, 2006

I turn 15 today!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006
It has been a really busy week, and here I am, supposed to do my Bio homework but taking the chance to blog while my mother is on the phone. I had a great time on Sat during CCA Fair, and Miss Lim even praised our enthusiasm!! Woohh~~ I have been very addicted to drama serials these few days, and SECOND WEEK OF SCHOOL GOT CHINESE TEST ALREADY!!!!

Meeting Hui Qin, Michelle and Whye Keat tomorrow. Abit their school end at 1.20pm. St nicks leh? 2.15pm. Very big difference. And they somemore want us to pick them up. Tsk Tsk. Dunno how I am going to cope tomorrow night, cause I wanna watch Reaching For The Stars, yet surely got homework one. And stupid gay still haven return my SHE cd.

I am happy that the weekend is here, cause so is my BIRTHDAY!!! Yi Qi, Cheryl and Zheng Ying gave me a keychain with my name on it. I know surely very ex, cause I bought before. THANKS!! Hope I can survive Friday the 13th!! Oh yah, and I haven prepare Qiao Qin's present. Must ask her whether she likes chocs, cause I do and I have some extra in my house.

My blog is WEIRD, sometimes view nice yet sometimes not nice. Geez. And that reminds me: My bio homework is on my lap, waiting to be done. What on earth is the difference between a red blood cell and a typical animal cell?

Thursday, January 05, 2006
Haiz..... Holidays pass so fast....and Im in sec 3 now. Been busy the last few days, doing my holiday homework (and i still haven finished the maths!!!), and yeah. Heard from Wan Er that next thursday is our group collage making session, @ st nicks. Even Wen Xiong is coming. And heard that Haiqal couldnt come, cause he is studying for his o levels. *sniggers* -Lazy say lazy lah!- Hope my picture wont look like shit.

ITS 10 MORE DAYS TO MY BIRTHDAY!!! I AM TURNING 15 SOON! But my father will be away on a business trip....So sad. Gotta go wrap Cheryl's and Gay's b'dae presents; they are long overdue.