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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Saturday, December 31, 2005
I spent the whole morning clearing my table, cupboards and drawers, in preparation of the new year. I found a lot of junk, and treasures, for example, my emerald and sapphire earrings bought in Venice, my kindergarten graduation speech, some letters and cards from my friends, my gigantic pencils and many more. I also found a stack of 20 Peirce Sec postcards, which I got when I attended their open house in 2003. Saw the SJAB card, but why those people got no rank one??
Feeling so nostalgic, cause today is the last day of 2005. In a few hours time, it will be 2006! I dun wanna go back to school.......

Friday, December 30, 2005
Yah I know I havent been writing the past few days, but had alot of things to finish, and abit my mother forbid me from using the computer too, and I STILL HAVEN FINISH MY HOLIDAY HOMEWORK!!! Die lah.... Haiz.... Never mind, today when I went back to school, they said that tues and wed got no lessons, so I have two extra days to do! (I know, I know, Im getting pathetic.) Anyway, I talked to Kaylyn, and she told me that the winner of the America's Next Top Model is NICOLE!!! The complaining redhead who fell to her knees and beg the judges to keep her!! Omg! Im still getting over the shock as I type this. Oh and Kaylyn dropped me another bombshell. Deborah is migrating to Perth wif Elizabeth, permanently! Said something abt less stress there. Lucky Deb and E-bert!! Such luck never befalls on me. Oh yah, btw, does anyone knows the answer to this question: What do you call an Indian who goes to a temple?

Monday, December 26, 2005
Happy Boxing Day everyone! And Merry Belated Christmas!
I spent my Christmas day in Malacca with my mother's second and fourth brothers and their families, eating home cooked nasi lemak (mashed potatoes), selar with sambal and lime (turkey with chestnut or mushroom stuffing), sambal udang (ham), and kangkong (salads). Haha, very malaysian! Reached Singapore @ abt 11.15pm (lucky no jam), and rushed to opened my presents before 12am. I got a toy cashier, a book on how to make friends, a mr midnight notebook, Barbie clothes, Hello Kitty flip flops and guess what...... Victoria's Secret undergarments (for the lower torso)!! Must have cost a big buck.
Haiz.....Christmas is over, and I must seriously face reality. HOMEWORK, HOMEWORK and more HOMEWORK!!!! Guess what? I haven done any yet. Smart yeah?

Saturday, December 24, 2005
Yeah!!!!!!!! One more day to Christmas, and 3 more weeks and one more day to my birthday!!! I am so HAPPY! Going to Malaysia soon, so i wun be able to enjoy Christmas in Singapore, but the spirit is still there, so no worry. I cant wait until I can open my presents, coz this year is the first time in dunno-how-many-years that i dunno what I am getting! So excited! My dad said that he bought me something branded.....hmmm.... cant guess what it is! I felt it; its something soft. *rubs hands together in delight* Im opening them soon anyway! Hope everybody have a Merry Christmas too!

Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way.......

Thursday, December 22, 2005
Church camps totally rock, cause they give great prizes :) Ok ok so that was very Singaporean of me, but there is something abt Cherith Baptist Church in the way they seem so...giving. I had the time of my life these last three days, and yes, I am definitely going back next year! They even asked me to go for Sunday school, and Im still thinking.......

Me and my brother and sister came early for the camp, at 8.22am. Helped make the iced milo for morning snacks, and the chocolate biscuits. I ate alot of the biscuits, and found out that Joyce is 26 going on 27 years old! She looks so......18! Soent the afternoon making hot dog bun cars! The truck campers are so cute! I helped alot of them make the buttered hair for their hot dogs! And Leonard and his boys came, and I thought that they dun look familiar...... At night, I finally watched Extreme Japan and Tiramisu! My mom commented that Ezann looked prettier!

So sad! Today is the last day of camp! I felt so small today, cause my camp tshirt is size M, and it is so BIG for me!! No size S stock too... The Ramblers went for the Amazing Race, and I spent the afternoon making egg sandwiches and baguette tarts. Went to the supermarket to buy plastic cups for parents nite, and then to 7-eleven to buy 2 pks of ice. Parents nite was fun, and it was the first time it rained!! Haha! Thank the Lord for small favours. Teacher Esther announced me and my brother in a special way! Said that we were special ppl who came back just to help out! My parents look so disbelieving. Went home to eat Korean maggie mee, and then watched Tab TV and America's Next Top Model.

I woke up late today, broke a glass pot, and had a major fight with my brother. I havent done my HANS homework, my piano homework and I haven practise piano. Is there anything else that is going to happen to me that would make my day more miserable than it is now?

Monday, December 19, 2005
Today I went for Cherith Baptist Church's annual 3-day Dec camp. Went there not to participate, but to be a "Helper". I was in charge of the "Snack-and-Diner" corner, which meant that I could help myself to the free biscuits and drinks! Haha! No lah, it was actually a lot of work you know. I made one trip to 7-eleven to buy ice, and another to NTUC to buy baby carrots. Exercise man! Ms Lau aka Mrs Low is heavily pregnant, and her baby is a girl name Evangeline! (I dunno abt the spelling) The pastor gave me a Bible and advised me to read it starting from Matthews.

Lunch was rice with this delicious soup, but they call it PORRIDGE. And do you know how the food came in? It was delivered in a MERCEDES BENZ!! Waaahh~! Then I met these two serious-attitude-problem kids. Heard that they go for counselling. *gives knowing nod*

I dapow alot of the rice back home, cause there was still half a large pot of it left. Gosh, today I ate alot of carbs. Die lah! Must go and exercise, if not will balloon like a.... blown up balloon. Ok, I have to go eat dinner now. Yes, dun look at me like that; I still need to eat dinner, if not I will eat supper and become even fatter. Yupz, bye!

Sunday, December 18, 2005
I know it's like, 1am plus in the morning, but I just couldn't resist watching WWE on TV. So long nv watch already. Saw Rey Mysterio do his 619....AWESOME! Also saw Batista, Melina, and many more that I dun noe. Must be newbies. But then again, I havent watch WWE for 2 years now. Unfortunately for me, the Matt Hardy-Lita-Edge love triangle saga is over! Heard Edge got the gal. Also didnt know that there was a girls'championship. But I am definitely gonna watch the new "Survivor Series"! I support Team Smack Down! GO TEAM SMACK DOWN!!

Went to Orchard Rd today to see the Christmas deco, and I thought it wasnt bad. Love the Centrepoint decorations! I had pizza for dinner, which turned out to be a major disappointment, considering that the shop had been featured in the newspapers before. Only got home at 11 plus, then turned on the TV only to see WWE on TV.

*YAWN*~~~ I am very sleepy, and if my mother catches me using the laptop at this time of the night, I wont live to see the light of the day, so ta ta! Good night!

Friday, December 16, 2005
Just came back from SJ HQ after taking BFA practical. It went quite ok lah. Just that my CPR sucks coz I cant seem to inflate the chest...all thanks to that stupid face sheet or whatyoucallit. My head bandage rocks! Even SSGT Edmund couldn't pull it out! Wen Xun mdm thought me how to do the TOC drag method properly, and she even complimented me! Woah! Shuang dao~~
Woke up @ 8 to go to SNGS, and abit forgot my bandages lah. Lucky my mom brought it to me. Went for lunch @ BK with Joy, Jaclyn, Rui Xin and Jocelyn. Managed to get to HQ at 12.45pm. Abit the mdms were still not there too. Realised the lift was donated. Saw 'Bling Bling' aka SSGT Chee Kai. And Edmund's belt is by HUGO BOSS! Saw Haiqal, Aaron, Chong Loon and waved to Grace. After that, I went to Raffles City with Joy and Jocelyn. This church lady was handing out balloons and we each took one. But in the end, I took them all, and abit boarding a full bus with three large balloons very nice! Managed to do so, but had to say alot of apologies and excuse-mes. Haiz...I'm gonna kill them.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Yeah!! Finally back from BNCO Camp! I was dreading it the whole year, and it's finally over! 5 days and 4 nights there made me feel so out of touch with the real world. Miss my Algo group mates and Nursing Bunk 4 bunk mates alot too... I came back wanting to watch Extreme Japan and Tiramisu, but ended up going out to eat sharksfin. Felt so guilty about committing animal cruelty... cant stand myself. Let me summarize up a bit about BNCO. If I write down everything, it's gonna be damn long. It is still damn long anyway.

Instructor: Lim Wen Xiong
2nd IC: Lee Kah Yee
Whye Keat
Wan Er
Hui Qin
Hui Zhen

Day 1
Woke up very early, and as I left home for North View Sec, I cried pretty badly. Home sick I guess. I became the group IC without even knowing it, and was the longest group IC for the group (one whole day, one whole night and half a morning). Two boring lectures, a triage where I just stood there and at night, we woke up for only like 15 mins for fire drill, and no uniform change!!!!

Day 2
PT was ok, but the run was long. The telematch was super fun, and SSGT WX dumped a whole bucket of water over me! I got very soaked through. Ling Yan hurt herself quite badly. And Zi Peng, Shikin and Jeremiah have long legs!! So envious..... Afternoon and evening were spent listening to lectures, and I realised that I was starting to live on a diet of rice, long beans, carrots, cabbage and chicken. (Darrick sir: Budget constraint mah!) The night hike with Morgan was fun, cause we didnt run, the night was cooling, and Jeremiah told an unfinished joke. I wanna know the answer!! Q: What do you call an Indian who goes to a temple? WHAT IS THE ANSWER??!!

Day 3
Slept for 4 hrs only cause of the night hike. Hated PT like hell cause Henry sir was conducting it, and he didnt do it with us, and he has a big tummy. Did area cleaning the whole morning, had lectures the whole afternoon, and I feel very shi bai, cause 1 and a 1/2 hrs of self study I spent it by talking to my Algo mates. We gossiped and exchanged contact nos. Chong Loon said that my handwriting was nice!! That had me blushing:) Hui Zhen went home today too. The group IC lost the group flag, and we had to do punishment. Lucky Whye Keat had sentry, so he skipped the punishment!

Day 4
Whye Keat is the course IC!! Algo shouted very loudly just to support him! Haha! Had CPBS the whole day, and during outdoor cooking, Whye Keat and his clever ideas started a fire that burnt Michelle's mass tins. Had trouble scrubbing out the charred stains later. I also found out that Darrick sir has the same shoes as me! During group discussion with Morgan I had to become Miss Yan Dao or something like that. So embarrasing. Jeremiah said it was good sportsmanship. Talent night was fun, and Wen Xiong looked sexy in his bikini top and mini skirt! Ate Haiqal's grape toothpaste and it was YUMILICIOUS! Smell so nice somemore. And all thanks to Sheela mdm, my last dinner and supper with Algo was ruined.

Day 5
Woke up very early at 5, and had a uniform change. Sheela mdm looked pretty disappointed when she had to renounce her role as DI. Somemore she scolded our group cause we didnt use the peanut butter fast enough! We had area cleaning and I swept the whole canteen. Found a unique white rubber band at Morgan's table. Then was the theory test, which I think I did pretty badly, cause I slept for 1/2 hr during it. Haiz.... Had a debrief with funny Darrick sir and I waved alot of goodbyes to my friends, and hugged Wei Qi goodbye three times. Then it's going home time!