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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011
@Amy Lyn: I wonder which posting you are talking about haha:) anyway, thanks for the compliment!
@Talia: Hey girl, glad you enjoy my blog so much! Your comment really made my day:)

I'm going to change my blog template soon- blogger has come up with lots of nice, new ones, so much better than what they used to have. And you can customise alot of it to your own liking, without having to worry about all the html shit which techo-noobs like me have trouble dealing with.

Saw this great picture today:

I'm facing so many personal struggles now that sometimes, I wonder where to get motivation from to keep fighting. And in my darkest hours, it sometimes feels like even the Lord isn't there for me (which is silly because He is always there). Don't you find it difficult sometimes to even trust and believe in God's will? Even when you know He is always watching over you and doing things for the best of your interests, you'll sometimes wonder why He isn't helping you to conquer this battle. And that's where the above picture with its lovely quote comes in. God has equipped you with the necessary 'weapons' to fight whatever wars that are raging in your life right now. He isn't helping because he doesn't need to. You have it in you to WIN. And there is no LOSING when God is there- your perceived failures are in fact, BLESSINGS in disguise. And that's what will make you a stronger person.

Saying all these is so easy- I often have to struggle to remember them myself.

We can't see the future- we can only comprehend the present and ponder the past, and that's why we can only place our complete trust in Him, that all things will work out well in the end.

This blog post may be too pro-Christianity for some people, but I choose to seek God for my source of motivation. Motivation abounds everywhere, and different sources work for different people, but most importantly, find one that works for you, that will never falter in its purpose. And for the athetists and agnostics amongst my readers, I share with you this quote that is my wallpaper right now: