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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Monday, April 18, 2011
Today on skype, my mother told me an interesting bit of news from home. My younger sister had (dunno what she was doing at that time though) swore aloud, "FUCK!" My younger brother heard her and of course, being the big mouth that he is haha, went to casually let slip to my mother about it. My shocked mommy went to berate my sister, admonishing her for swearing, while my brother the hypocritical two-faced one turned around and said, "Aiyah, why you so shocked, she scold me also use fuck everytime what." which of course, only made matters worse.

Awwwww my lil sister is growing up! But just as I was basking in the warm feeling of knowing that my baby sister wasn't a baby anymore, my mother continued, "She say you also always use fuck."


Now okay, even though I admit that I use the word fuck, I use it only for 2 occasions: in my blog writings and in my thoughts. I NEVER SAY FUCK TO ANYONE. Not in arguments, not in complaints, and definitely not in daily conversations. The worst swear word I say aloud is SHIT. As furious as anyone can make me, even though in my mind I go "KAN NI NA you fucking bitch/bastard, how the fuck dare you do this kind of stupid fucking thing where the fuck is your stupid fucking brain", out loud I will say "What the hell! Why you do this kind of thing?!! Aiyah, haiz, never mind lah..." *ZOMG damn proud of my internal self-censor*

Anyways, off topic already, after my sister so blatantly told such a HUMONGOUS lie to my mother about me to redeem herself, I got abit mad at her and didn't want to speak to her on skype. I told my mother that I NEVER EVER used the word fuck in front of her, she probably picked it up from my brother (though that I didn't tell mommy cause I don't tattle on my siblings one okay). Luckily my mother said, "I know, I remember you always like to swear 'idiot' alot." Yes, Mommy.

I can't really remember where I picked up swearing (in my head), but I do know that I use it to vent out my frustrations against people and situations whom and where I cannot or don't want to openly speak up against. It's sort of my internal escape. So as vulgar as my thoughts are, my words are however incredibly PG. Maybe it's because I don't want to make any ememies, or I don't want people to think badly of me, but I can't bring myself to say the word fuck. Maybe I don't use the word because it doesn't go together with my sweet nature lol! Haha kiddinggggg.