Hello, my name is Mylene.
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2 weeks of school already.... I want the holidays! It's sj nat. comp today but didnt go support coz yesterday full of tuition. I started Mr and Mrs Chia tuition again after like 2 and a half yrs... Gosh abit Mrs Chia so thin, and then there's Enricho and his sis Kimberly... Their conversation is peppered with a lot of swear words except the ultimato: the F word. I can never stand this word ever since P6 when I sat with Wei Jie and 90% of his sentences will have the word FUCK. Anyway, I am very sad Germany didnt make it to the finals but I am glad they are 3RD!! World Cup is ending... And so did Power Rangers Dino Thunder this morning. Anyway this will be a BUSY week what with the prelim chinese listening comprehension and O level oral and chinese test and POP. Cant wait until the weekend comes again. Speaking of weekend, I just had a good one. On Friday went to Jack's Place for lunch coz school ended early for MOExcel Fest. On Sat went to Yishun and bought chocolate for friends' prezzies. Then went to Bugis Junction for dinner @ Fish & Co then bought an Elle Homme schoolbag! Yeah!!! So happy! Thank you daddy:) Watched Sleepy Hollow before sleeping. Sleepy Hollow rocks! Didnt watch the 3rd-4th place playoff though I was very tempted to coz Oliver's playing. Anyway I am very pissed off at someone right now. Obviously i wun reveal her name, but she is horrible. Its amazing she still has friends. Bet ppl just hang out with her for company. She thinks she's gorgeous, and guess what, she always inexplicitly says that she is better looking. Face facts girl: you are not. She is so ugly she would make Hsu Chun Mei look good if they stood next to each other. Gosh this sort of people were created by God to test people's patience. If she pushes me to my limits, I will personally make sure she regrets it.
Hello, I'm Mylene.
I love God, my family, my close friends, chocolate, Nutella, Nugatti, yam paste, Nonya kueh, baking, desserts, crunchy peanut butter, trying out new food places, books, travelling, airplane food, snail mail, vintage anything, medicine, wearing blood-red clothes, The Desiderata, stickers, hearts, making cards and origami, watching comedies, reading mystery/detective novels, playing mystery/detective games, mocha, yoghurt with fruits and muesli, dogs, quirky bags, soft & fluffy towels, pretty lingerie, Christmas, heels I cannot walk in, polka dots, smiles.
I try not to hate on anyone or anything because it's a waste of my time and energy. If I don't like it, I'll either try to change it or just ignore it.
I'm trying to live my life to the fullest, and be the best person that I can be.
2 weeks of school already.... I want the holidays! It's sj nat. comp today but didnt go support coz yesterday full of tuition. I started Mr and Mrs Chia tuition again after like 2 and a half yrs... Gosh abit Mrs Chia so thin, and then there's Enricho and his sis Kimberly... Their conversation is peppered with a lot of swear words except the ultimato: the F word. I can never stand this word ever since P6 when I sat with Wei Jie and 90% of his sentences will have the word FUCK. Anyway, I am very sad Germany didnt make it to the finals but I am glad they are 3RD!! World Cup is ending... And so did Power Rangers Dino Thunder this morning. Anyway this will be a BUSY week what with the prelim chinese listening comprehension and O level oral and chinese test and POP. Cant wait until the weekend comes again. Speaking of weekend, I just had a good one. On Friday went to Jack's Place for lunch coz school ended early for MOExcel Fest. On Sat went to Yishun and bought chocolate for friends' prezzies. Then went to Bugis Junction for dinner @ Fish & Co then bought an Elle Homme schoolbag! Yeah!!! So happy! Thank you daddy:) Watched Sleepy Hollow before sleeping. Sleepy Hollow rocks! Didnt watch the 3rd-4th place playoff though I was very tempted to coz Oliver's playing. Anyway I am very pissed off at someone right now. Obviously i wun reveal her name, but she is horrible. Its amazing she still has friends. Bet ppl just hang out with her for company. She thinks she's gorgeous, and guess what, she always inexplicitly says that she is better looking. Face facts girl: you are not. She is so ugly she would make Hsu Chun Mei look good if they stood next to each other. Gosh this sort of people were created by God to test people's patience. If she pushes me to my limits, I will personally make sure she regrets it.