Hello, my name is Mylene.
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The time between now and my last post has been a very tumultuous one. I have had so many things going on... So many tests (and which the results arent something to brag about) and so many news. First of all, my NAPFA 2.4km was TERRIBLE. It had just rained heavily, the ground was slippery and on top of that, i had a freakin STITCH that appeared from the first round!! AAARRRGGHH!! Then good news! Green House got champion after 6 long years!! Yeah!! After that I didnt go for tuition, and LONG BREAK! Yesterday was a really nice day. My mother's friend owns a restaurant "The Naked Fish Shoppe" at The Grassoots Club, and one of her CC organised a lunch-cum-tea buffet in honour of Mother's Day there. It was a brilliant afternoon as I chowed down my big plate of food. The breaded dory fingers were scrumptious, and I thought the mee siam was not bad. The fried prawns didnt seem too fresh to me, but the scallops were quite nice. But the one thing that I liked the most was the chocolate fondue. I had a nice pot of the lovely, to-die-for chocolate all to myself, thanks to the generosity of my mother's friend. And the chocolate brownies are delicious!! The chocolate chips inside are heavenly, and the whole thing is so moist, yet not overly sweet. The creamy chocolate concoction is pure indulgence. To a chocoholic like me it was heaven yesterday afternoon. Adding to my delight was the fact that during the lucky draw, my sister's number got called and she won a Robinson bath and face towel set. Then my number got called!! SECOND PRIZE!! It was a pair of round mother-of-pearl earrings from Goldheart! It came in this lovely white box with dark blue velvet interior, and wrapped up with a purple Goldheart ribbon. Pretty! After the whole hooha, I went to Concourse, then Suntec City to shop for my mother's birthday-cum-Mother's Day present together with my father and siblings. Then at night, I watched the anoouncement of the election results! I LOVE KHAW BOON WAN'S FACE!! It is sooooo CUTE! I fell asleep after the announcement of PM Lee Hsien Loong's GRC won, and the next thing I knew, it was morning.
Hello, I'm Mylene.
I love God, my family, my close friends, chocolate, Nutella, Nugatti, yam paste, Nonya kueh, baking, desserts, crunchy peanut butter, trying out new food places, books, travelling, airplane food, snail mail, vintage anything, medicine, wearing blood-red clothes, The Desiderata, stickers, hearts, making cards and origami, watching comedies, reading mystery/detective novels, playing mystery/detective games, mocha, yoghurt with fruits and muesli, dogs, quirky bags, soft & fluffy towels, pretty lingerie, Christmas, heels I cannot walk in, polka dots, smiles.
I try not to hate on anyone or anything because it's a waste of my time and energy. If I don't like it, I'll either try to change it or just ignore it.
I'm trying to live my life to the fullest, and be the best person that I can be.
The time between now and my last post has been a very tumultuous one. I have had so many things going on... So many tests (and which the results arent something to brag about) and so many news. First of all, my NAPFA 2.4km was TERRIBLE. It had just rained heavily, the ground was slippery and on top of that, i had a freakin STITCH that appeared from the first round!! AAARRRGGHH!! Then good news! Green House got champion after 6 long years!! Yeah!! After that I didnt go for tuition, and LONG BREAK! Yesterday was a really nice day. My mother's friend owns a restaurant "The Naked Fish Shoppe" at The Grassoots Club, and one of her CC organised a lunch-cum-tea buffet in honour of Mother's Day there. It was a brilliant afternoon as I chowed down my big plate of food. The breaded dory fingers were scrumptious, and I thought the mee siam was not bad. The fried prawns didnt seem too fresh to me, but the scallops were quite nice. But the one thing that I liked the most was the chocolate fondue. I had a nice pot of the lovely, to-die-for chocolate all to myself, thanks to the generosity of my mother's friend. And the chocolate brownies are delicious!! The chocolate chips inside are heavenly, and the whole thing is so moist, yet not overly sweet. The creamy chocolate concoction is pure indulgence. To a chocoholic like me it was heaven yesterday afternoon. Adding to my delight was the fact that during the lucky draw, my sister's number got called and she won a Robinson bath and face towel set. Then my number got called!! SECOND PRIZE!! It was a pair of round mother-of-pearl earrings from Goldheart! It came in this lovely white box with dark blue velvet interior, and wrapped up with a purple Goldheart ribbon. Pretty! After the whole hooha, I went to Concourse, then Suntec City to shop for my mother's birthday-cum-Mother's Day present together with my father and siblings. Then at night, I watched the anoouncement of the election results! I LOVE KHAW BOON WAN'S FACE!! It is sooooo CUTE! I fell asleep after the announcement of PM Lee Hsien Loong's GRC won, and the next thing I knew, it was morning.