Apparently today is a VERY special day. It ONLY comes once a century. It is the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year. The number 666 may be the "number of the beast" or Ani-Christ in the Bible. Wow. Also according to the Chinese it is an auspicious day as today supposedly brings triple luck, as the number 6 pronounced in Hokkien sounds like the word "luck". Hmmm.... If its so lucky, why am I stuck at home doing my English Comprehension paper?! Let's hope I get a good mark for it.
But it's freaky isn't it, that today will only come again 100 years later.
Hello, I'm Mylene.
I love God, my family, my close friends, chocolate, Nutella, Nugatti, yam paste, Nonya kueh, baking, desserts, crunchy peanut butter, trying out new food places, books, travelling, airplane food, snail mail, vintage anything, medicine, wearing blood-red clothes, The Desiderata, stickers, hearts, making cards and origami, watching comedies, reading mystery/detective novels, playing mystery/detective games, mocha, yoghurt with fruits and muesli, dogs, quirky bags, soft & fluffy towels, pretty lingerie, Christmas, heels I cannot walk in, polka dots, smiles.
I try not to hate on anyone or anything because it's a waste of my time and energy. If I don't like it, I'll either try to change it or just ignore it.
I'm trying to live my life to the fullest, and be the best person that I can be.