I am supposed to study chinese, but got no mood lah. This week is SOOO long, and somemore there will be english test. DIE! And why dun people check their phones for sms-es?!
It is Jie Ying's birthday today! Happy Birthday daughter:) ! Hope she likes my crappy present.....
I cant find my cha cha photos! So angry! WHERE HAVE THEY GONE??!! So sorry Olivia.... But I will jin liang try my best!
I know I will get my retribution tomorrow coz I didnt study hard enough for chinese. But what to do? And I am talking to Nicole now. On my handphone somemore. Lesson learnt: Never talk to Nicole on my handphone. I will develop neck ache.
Hello, I'm Mylene.
I love God, my family, my close friends, chocolate, Nutella, Nugatti, yam paste, Nonya kueh, baking, desserts, crunchy peanut butter, trying out new food places, books, travelling, airplane food, snail mail, vintage anything, medicine, wearing blood-red clothes, The Desiderata, stickers, hearts, making cards and origami, watching comedies, reading mystery/detective novels, playing mystery/detective games, mocha, yoghurt with fruits and muesli, dogs, quirky bags, soft & fluffy towels, pretty lingerie, Christmas, heels I cannot walk in, polka dots, smiles.
I try not to hate on anyone or anything because it's a waste of my time and energy. If I don't like it, I'll either try to change it or just ignore it.
I'm trying to live my life to the fullest, and be the best person that I can be.