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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012
5 days since I've been back in Singapore. It's been great so far, in that I can see my family again. I've missed them so much, being away from home for so long sucks. So it was nice to be able to hug my parents, and my brother and sister. I went back to Melaka over the weekend for a combined birthday celebration for my mom's side of the family. Haha, I'm country-hopping yeah! ^.^V The jet lag wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, though, I managed to survive throughout the day. But I stayed up all Sunday night, I just couldn't sleep, and I figured that maybe I'll just stay up and hopefully be able to regulate my sleep cycle the next day. I spent the whole night writing to Babyboy, I haven't replied our main letter yet. I thought that maybe he'd have received my mail that I sent last week already, but the WAP forum's saying that mail has been slowing down, so :( I really hope he gets it soon- I really hope he GETS IT, I don't want any of our mail to each other to get lost, in the case of mail, it's really "better late than never". His letters are all here with me in SG :) I bubblewrap-ed and hand-carried them back lol, I didn't want to put them in my check-in luggage because I was afraid that my luggage would get lost (I really am paranoid about his letters!) LOL!

My father's not well, his cancer came back again, and he's going for an operation on 22nd June. I really pray that this time, everything will be fine, and that his cancer won't relapse :/ One of his eyes have to be operated out as well, as the tumor is growing too close to it. I can sit here and say this calmly, because our family (especially my father) has struggled and have finally come to terms with the fact that one of his eyes will have to go. My father took the news very, very hard initially; this whole ordeal has been very hard on our family. But it's either the eye or his life, and he's finally come to accept that maybe his physical appearance will never be the same again, that he'll never be able to function as well as before. But he'll still be alive, and in many more ways he'll still be able to function and carry on with life as normal. So we count our blessings.

Everything happens for a reason- that's what I strongly believe in, and it's one of the core beliefs that Jr. and I share. That's why I know that all this was for a reason, to teach us about a lesson in life. And it has, it's taught my father- the materialistic, high-achieving, hot-tempered, tight-fisted workhorse that he is- to let loose, relax, appreciate and enjoy the simpler things in life, to spend more time with our family, to stop chasing material goods and wealth, to LIVE. All my life, my father's been a workhorse, he works REALLY hard for the family. And he's been more than successful; we have a house, 2 cars, an office lot, sufficient money to be able to go on holidays regularly, plus mine and my siblings' education expenses are all covered (especially my overseas medical education, for which I can never repay my father enough in this lifetime). My mother has never had to work to support the family, because my father earns enough to feed us comfortably. He's done A LOT for our family. And he would have continue working as hard as before if not for this illness. It's slowed him down, mellowed him, and made him realise a lot about life. And it's not just him growing, our whole family's grown along with him as well. And we're closer than ever before.

Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons, but as long as we don't stop learning, we will always continue living.
