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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Monday, May 28, 2012
I've grown up a lot over the past 5 months. It's amazing, and yet scary at the same time. I'm not the same person as I was last December. So it's like, from the time I saw my family in person last December till this May when I saw them in person again, I've grown up and changed in a lot of ways. I attribute most of my personal growth to my relationship with Jr-  he's opened up my eyes a lot, helped me see a lot of things in a different light, and taught me to accept myself and my imperfections. I know I've helped him grow up a lot as well, so really it's a 2-way thing, but that's a good thing in a relationship, right? Helping each other grow, and be better people.

I've found a lot of comfort in my faith during the initial stages of my relationship to Jr, when things were very trying for both of us. Our relationship is still very trying, because of our circumstances, but I trust and put my faith all in God. I trust that God knows what He's doing, and I know that He's brought Jr and I together for a reason. I place our relationship in His hands, and I know that He'll bless it and bring us together one day soon, forever. Jr does the same too, and our common faith is one of the common key points of our relationship. I'm glad that Jr is a Christian as well, it's VERY comforting to be able to talk about God with him. We are not Bible thumpers (as Jr calls it lol), but we have our faith and trust in God and know that He's real, and we leave it at that, we don't try to shove it down people's throats. Our relationship is by no means conventional, and we'll have to face a lot of obstacles in the coming future, but with God on our side, and being there for each other always, we know that we can get through this.

My father's illness also taught me a lot. Because of him, I finally see the fragility of life. I realise the importance of my loved ones, I learn to appreciate them more, and treasure the time spent with them. I stop chasing materialistic dreams and lofty ambitions. I learn to live life day to day, enjoying each one as it comes and goes. I've always been the kind to plan my life out neatly and nicely- I used to have a nice, perfect picture of how I wanted my life to pan out. But ever since Jr arrived in my life, and now with my father's illness, I've learned that while it's good to plan out ahead sometimes, you must always be prepared for Plan B, or C, because it always screws you up when things don't go according to Perfect Plan A, and life always has that way of springing us with unexpected surprises. You just have to take each day as it comes, do your best living each day, and hope that tomorrow will be a better one.

How much 5 months can change your life. When I look back on the past semester, I marvel over just how much I've grown up. But I like the new me, the old me would never have been able to take the shit that's been thrown my way this past semester. And it would never have been able to handle my relationship to Jr.

Life's taught me a lot in such a short period of time, but I'm thankful for each lesson, however painful it may have been to learn it.
