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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Monday, September 26, 2011
Just last Friday (about a week and a half ago), I got an email from a professor saying that I've been selected (together with 2 others) to represent the school in some Anatomy competition.

You can only imagine how incredulous I felt initially when I read that email. Why, of all people, would they choose ME?! I didn't do that well in Anatomy, and overall my grades weren't that fantastic either. Sure I may have gotten first class, but I barely scrapped through to get first class. The school must have alot of (blind) faith in me.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, it was some essay competition that was going to be held on Saturday, 24th September. I spent the whole of last week preparing for my essay, drafting it and memorising it. It was so incredibly stressful. You may think, 'So easy what! Just memorise and regurgitate!' but for me, all the planning for the essay's structure was terribly stressful, having to make sure the essay flowed coherently and that it's not just a paper where facts are thrown randomly about. I hope I've done my best for the essay though- I 'gave up' a week's of studying to prep for it!

It was a 2 hour paper (I was rushing through it like mad!), and after it was over, I went to town to eat lunch with the gang and shop for baking supplies because one week of camping at home preparing an Anatomy essay really made me itch to bake desperately. And since Hooi Tzing was having a potluck lunch party on Sunday after church ended, I grabbed the opportunity to bake! 

Cheesecake brownies. It was meant for the party but the gang pounced on it and this was all that was left.

Red Velvet cupcakes cooling

Red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and 100s and 1000s!

Baking urge satiated!:)))

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