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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Sunday, February 21, 2010
Singapore has no CNY spirit:/ In previous years when studying occupied most of my mind, I never really took notice of the CNY festivities once I come back from Melaka, but this year, with my mind blissfully blank, I've started to notice the difference in the way Malaysia and Singapore celebrate such festive occasions.

In Malaysia, garish red lanterns and CNY banners are everywhere and it seems everyone is in the mood of celebration. Maybe because I live in a kampung, the mood is more vibrant, but I noticed even in Melaka Town, some semblance of CNY was in order even though most shops were closed for the Lunar New Year. It's like an atmosphere of CNY still lingered on. But the moment I reached Singapore, it was like whatever leftover CNY spirit that was there simply vanished. Dead blocks greeted me, and all around, Singaporeans were just going about their daily chores like it was just any other ordinary day. Save for the occasional red decorations hanging here and there, it seemed like Chinese New Year never happened in Singapore.

Maybe I'm wrong. After all, I did reach Singapore on the 3rd day of CNY, when festivities are dying down and school and work was starting the next day (i.e. prep time was in order). And, one may argue, it's not like Singapore never made the effort to celebrate the Lunar New Year. In the weeks preceding the festive occasion, shopping malls and supermarkets have been decked out in the customary red and gold decorations and touting CNY sales. Popular CNY songs replaced the ordinary pop soundtrack of shops. River Hongbao was one of the best it has been in years. Photos on Facebook show that Singaporeans still celebrate CNY with as much of a CNY spirit as one can possible muster.

But somehow, the feeling still doesn't seem right.

Anyway, I had a wonderful CNY, despite the fact that I broke out in hives due to some allergic reaction which I'm not aware of and came my period on New Year's eve. There was a fire which I took no part in its dousing because I was recording the entire footage:) I will learn my lesson and carry a videocam around with me nowadays because videos taken by digital cameras are just too sucky in quality.

I'm recuperating at home now, because my cutaneous mast cells still produce histamines occasionally and then my skin gets all red and blotchy and bumpy, not to mention terribly itchy. Surprisingly though, only my legs and butt gets affected, and occasionally my shoulders and back. The legs and butt are the worst though. My lips also became swollen on the eve, giving me those desirable lips collagen tries to imitate, and my face got all red and splotchy. Thankfully it got better as the day passed, so I didn't look like some diseased individual on the first day of the New Year. My mother tried some traditional method of rubbing pepper paste on the affected areas with a ginger, but it wasn't very effective.

I've been watching alot of Jap shows recently; I felt it was time to cool off my Super Junior addiction. Since Korea's so hot, and I never like liking something that alot of people like (makes me feel like a groupie, which I hate), I decided to go for the Japanese. Ooooh boy, no regrets, I awakened my love for Kenichi Matsuyama. I liked him in Sec 3 but then Leeteuk (and Kyuhyun and Siwon and...) came along and stole my heart, but now I've decided to maybe go back to Kenichi hehe. I watched Detroit Metal City (Rosa Kato's so pretty!) and he's so cute in it! And I watched the Jap version of BOF and the movie too haha, but Jun Matsumoto's not my kind of guy, though he's hot, I'll admit. Gonna go Jap hot guys hunting soon; I remembered in the Jap version of Hanakimi there's this really really cute angmoh-looking Jap guy, must go find out who he is haha!

The weather's killing me lately; like the original I-hate-the-sun Geraldine, I don't fancy it much nowadays too, and have been staying indoors as much as I can. It's like when the sun's rays touch my skin, I go "#*(!&#$@% UVA and UVB #*@)!&#$*! SKIN CANCER (#*!&*#@ PIGMENTATION BLACK SPOTS *!#&*@#&" and feel myself melting.