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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Monday, January 04, 2010
I'm trying to find a job!!! But yet I don't want to give up my life, as dull as it seems now. I'm looking to do something that is totally un-ME, something like waitressing!:D I know that's not where the dough is, but the experience will be quite fun, I think. Rather than teaching, though that's more rewarding in a certain sense.

Haiz, I think I made some people disappointed at me, and others mad. I'm so sorry, but I really had no choice.

I'm trying to add people on MSN now; suddenly I'm on it, and nobody is! My MSN online people are so few boo:(

I burnt my silicone spatula the other day while making caramel custard:( the caramel was bubbling vigorously and I panicked and quickly grab some random utensil to stir the sugar syrup, then sssssss! My spatula melted right before my eyes. Luckily it didn't get into the syrup and destroy it, but the whole thing's disfigured now and I need a new spatula! Gonna go buy one tomorrow!

I'm supposed to go to the zoo tomorrow, but I can't:( I need to go get a letter from my doctor saying that I've had chickenpox in 1994, for some job attachment thing. Haiz. So now my Monday to-do list includes:

-Get letter from doctor
-Buy spatula!
-Look for job!

while my friends are off partying at the zoo with Ah Meng's grandchildren.

But on the bright side...

Guess what day's coming!:DDD