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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Malaysia trip was FUN!
I had to miss one day of
jtc but that's ok:) On
Friday I was in Melaka
and I bought presents
for my friends and my
Shakira juniors! Like
I promised Jesmine,
Brenda & Rachael!
Shakira instructors
included too! And I
saw a baby monkey!
Poor thing was kept
in a cage. It was so
adorable and the way
it clasped my finger
with its tiny hand was
sooo cute. I wanna own
a monkey! Was @
Jonker Street for the
opening of the Lim
Association's new
building. Apparently
all Lims are descendents
of Dragons! How cool is
that?! Saturday was KL
day and that night I
went for this event
commemorating the 21st
birthday of this Indian
lady whose father is some
tua pai doctor cause the
event was sponsered by
Magnum. And Sunday was
GENTING day! I miss
Genting! It was so cold
after lunch with the wind
blowing nonstop and my
hands froze when I was
sitting the Cyclone. And
yes I finally managed to
sit Solero Spaceshot! The
ultimate coolest ride!
Vertical drop! It was
exhilarating to be up
in the sky and then
BOOM! You drop! At
night we attended some
magic show thing where
I fell asleep halfway but
the show was great. Then
me and Grace and the
sampat Pei Sze went to
sit the unfrightening
indoor coaster and the
bumper cars. There was
these two guys there and
they were the sultry bad-boy
kind of cute, and Grace sorta
liked one of them and she
kept looking at them. Oh
and I sat that Pirate Ship like
what, 8 times?! And Grace and
Pei Sze kept looking at cute guys!
Pirate Ship is infested with them!
And those two kept pointing
out them out. Oh and the Lim
clan just cemented our
reputation as the worst and
most feared Pirate Ship people
cause we purposely kept
screaming and yelling and
Yvonne shrilled like a banshee.
And at the bumper cars we met
these group of Singaporeans and
there was this one girl who
recognised Grace coz earlier on
in the day Grace had whammed
that girl's bumper car hard. She's
from ITE Simei and she wears
colored contacts! She was with
this bunch of people and there
was this one guy wearing
green and white striped long-
sleeved tee who was kinda cute
and Pei Sze went nuts over him,
lamenting that he had a baby
face and his hairstyle was cute.
Grace had left for KL coz she
had school the next day. Pei Sze
decided to ponteng school. And
at 1am plus Pei Sze and I went
for KFC and guess who we saw?!
That girl and her friends! Haha
but no green/white guy. When
Pei Sze saw them she rammed
her entire burger in her mouth
and couldn't talk! Later as we
waked around the indoor theme
park we saw those two sultry
bad-boy cuties and one of
them was smoking. Those two
seemed on a personal mission
to kill me after I banged them
both during bumper cars, and
then me and Pei Sze were like,
let's go and ram them back!
Ohohoh and guess
what my guy cousins wanted to
tell this waitress? "Waitress,
I want a hot milo. Must be as
hot as you." HAHAHA.
Monday I went back to Melaka
and shopped but I bought
only a Roxy purse. Ate Bak
Chang:D Dinner was with
my second uncle, aunty, my
cousin and his wife and kids.
Tuesday was back to Singapore
day and I was soo not looking
forward to it. I wanna go
back Genting! O levels are
screwing up my life. My
sweet sixteen ain't sweet no
more. Methinks it just
rotted and turned SOUR.