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Hello, my name is Mylene.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Recently I have been scouring
through websites, blogs, friendsters
and all those stuffs trying to dig
out some information about
people. Firstly, try as I might,
I can't find anything about BATTERY.
Secondly, I found out about this
guy who posted on youtube a
video about the berita news, in
which I "starred", in my
famous hot pink shirt. Thirdly,
I realized that Mo Fan Bang
Bang Tang isn't such a bad thing
to watch, but still NOT INTERESTED.
Aside from these I realized how
shameless some girls can be
on friendster. On some popular
HK actor's friendster, some
girls went absolutely nuts and
wrote mushy love notes to
him, going gaga over how
cute he is and all that shit.
Then I caught a comment made
by some guy, and it goes: i love u
n iwant sucksssss......ur dick.......muah...
No joke. Please dont be like me. I
actually went to check this friendster
out and was confronted with
pictures of the MALE'S PRIVATE
ANATOMY PART. Freaking gross.
Seriously I just do not understand
why girls can go crazy over some
guy they have never met in real
life and still proclaim: I love you
to death. I cannot understand the
whole logic behind it. Why love
some guy who doesn't love you
back? Why worship him when
you are non-existent in his life?
Yeah, these male stars themselves
all say that they love their fans and
all that shit, but how can you
take them seriously? Of course if
you are in it for their talent, then
that is another thing. But I doubt
this is the case most of the time.
For heaven's sake look at Sanjaya!
That guy can hardly sing, wears his
hair like some deranged poodle on
a bad hair day, and looks like his face
just got ran over by a lorry. Still some
girls went nuts over his underdog
story and cried when he got his
long-awaited dismissal from AI.
Ok so he is NOT cute. Yet he
still garnered crazy fans. Methinks
this is all a passing fancy. Sure,
I have had my fair share of
crushes but I always knew deep
down that they were just passing
fancies and would not last. It is
pathetic to go wild over some
guy who knows nothing about
your existence on earth. I would
rather go absolutely nuts and
write mushy love notes to
someone who will appreciate it.
Still, what would a star do without
these samseng char bor? No
money and no fame lor.