A Mylene Lim's word is as solid as a mountain, and because I gave Kaylyn my word that I would dedicate an entire post to her, I shall.

Hello Kayys this post is just for you! Hmm let's see....
I think you are a wonderful friend and
a marvellous gossip partner! I know
that you helped me a lot, especially during
what happened and all. You were like
our communication device you know! And I sometimes
feel like we were secret agents, coz everytime
some lil piece of info came along we were
talking on the phone about it already!
I think we have a lot of secrets
and gossip between us! If we wrote it into
a book it would be the size of a novel!
Im sorry if I freaked you out a little today, but yah,
I really thought so you know! That you were
taking our plus sign out to compensate the
losing plus with HER. Sorry! Yes you HAVE
helped me a lot and I will never forget it. I forgot
how we became so close already actually...
we werent so close last year leh. Nvm and I am NOT
the leader of the pack lor! Like a bit... I know you
told me a lot of things that you were not supposed to,
and I am grateful to you for that. Haha and our
gossip sessions on the phone last for so long!
Anyway I know you will always be there for me lah.
I KNOW. Dont worry. Likewise I will also be there for you to!
I know things will never be the same way
as they were before
but we shall try to recreate our old