Hello, my name is Mylene.
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Church camps totally rock, cause they give great prizes :) Ok ok so that was very Singaporean of me, but there is something abt Cherith Baptist Church in the way they seem I had the time of my life these last three days, and yes, I am definitely going back next year! They even asked me to go for Sunday school, and Im still thinking....... TuesdayMe and my brother and sister came early for the camp, at 8.22am. Helped make the iced milo for morning snacks, and the chocolate biscuits. I ate alot of the biscuits, and found out that Joyce is 26 going on 27 years old! She looks so......18! Soent the afternoon making hot dog bun cars! The truck campers are so cute! I helped alot of them make the buttered hair for their hot dogs! And Leonard and his boys came, and I thought that they dun look familiar...... At night, I finally watched Extreme Japan and Tiramisu! My mom commented that Ezann looked prettier! WednesdaySo sad! Today is the last day of camp! I felt so small today, cause my camp tshirt is size M, and it is so BIG for me!! No size S stock too... The Ramblers went for the Amazing Race, and I spent the afternoon making egg sandwiches and baguette tarts. Went to the supermarket to buy plastic cups for parents nite, and then to 7-eleven to buy 2 pks of ice. Parents nite was fun, and it was the first time it rained!! Haha! Thank the Lord for small favours. Teacher Esther announced me and my brother in a special way! Said that we were special ppl who came back just to help out! My parents look so disbelieving. Went home to eat Korean maggie mee, and then watched Tab TV and America's Next Top Model. NowI woke up late today, broke a glass pot, and had a major fight with my brother. I havent done my HANS homework, my piano homework and I haven practise piano. Is there anything else that is going to happen to me that would make my day more miserable than it is now?
Hello, I'm Mylene.
I love God, my family, my close friends, chocolate, Nutella, Nugatti, yam paste, Nonya kueh, baking, desserts, crunchy peanut butter, trying out new food places, books, travelling, airplane food, snail mail, vintage anything, medicine, wearing blood-red clothes, The Desiderata, stickers, hearts, making cards and origami, watching comedies, reading mystery/detective novels, playing mystery/detective games, mocha, yoghurt with fruits and muesli, dogs, quirky bags, soft & fluffy towels, pretty lingerie, Christmas, heels I cannot walk in, polka dots, smiles.
I try not to hate on anyone or anything because it's a waste of my time and energy. If I don't like it, I'll either try to change it or just ignore it.
I'm trying to live my life to the fullest, and be the best person that I can be.
Church camps totally rock, cause they give great prizes :) Ok ok so that was very Singaporean of me, but there is something abt Cherith Baptist Church in the way they seem I had the time of my life these last three days, and yes, I am definitely going back next year! They even asked me to go for Sunday school, and Im still thinking....... TuesdayMe and my brother and sister came early for the camp, at 8.22am. Helped make the iced milo for morning snacks, and the chocolate biscuits. I ate alot of the biscuits, and found out that Joyce is 26 going on 27 years old! She looks so......18! Soent the afternoon making hot dog bun cars! The truck campers are so cute! I helped alot of them make the buttered hair for their hot dogs! And Leonard and his boys came, and I thought that they dun look familiar...... At night, I finally watched Extreme Japan and Tiramisu! My mom commented that Ezann looked prettier! WednesdaySo sad! Today is the last day of camp! I felt so small today, cause my camp tshirt is size M, and it is so BIG for me!! No size S stock too... The Ramblers went for the Amazing Race, and I spent the afternoon making egg sandwiches and baguette tarts. Went to the supermarket to buy plastic cups for parents nite, and then to 7-eleven to buy 2 pks of ice. Parents nite was fun, and it was the first time it rained!! Haha! Thank the Lord for small favours. Teacher Esther announced me and my brother in a special way! Said that we were special ppl who came back just to help out! My parents look so disbelieving. Went home to eat Korean maggie mee, and then watched Tab TV and America's Next Top Model. NowI woke up late today, broke a glass pot, and had a major fight with my brother. I havent done my HANS homework, my piano homework and I haven practise piano. Is there anything else that is going to happen to me that would make my day more miserable than it is now?